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in-tech GmbH develops innovative electronic systems that support automation and connectivity for the automotive, industrial, and transportation sectors. The company employs around 1,500 engineers, software developers, and technicians in eight countries. The company’s products include electronic systems that make testing of automotive systems more efficient, accurate, and reliable. Its orangeSwitch, for example, enables automated switching between tests of electronic control units (ECUs).
2 years ago
Mass customization is the classic oxymoron. And the idea sounds silly right? Large-volume production of made-to-order products. That’s what “mass customization” implies.
4 years ago
Dr. Gershenfeld is a Professor and Director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms. At the Center, he and his students are researching many incredible things, such as cell-by-cell development, nanotechnology, and community self-sufficiency, among other things. He is also the Chairman of the Fab Foundation, which has done phenomenal work to change lives around the world by making personal fabrication accessible across the globe. With Dr. Gershenfeld’s help, we started the Digital Fabrication Lab (Fab
4 years ago
Space_1 From Yuri Gagarin’s fledgling foray into orbit to Neil Armstrong’s one small step and beyond, space exploration holds humanity’s attention like no other scientific discipline. The public’s evergreen fascination with galactic travelling has pushed scientific advancement and discovery beyond our earthly atmosphere. Even more astonishing are those achievements when considering the comparatively primitive technology that propelled those early missions to the stars. Currently, thanks to
4 years ago
I’m sure I’m not the first to wonder what awesome products the great inventors of the world would have been able to create if they were alive and had access to the tools we use today. Back in 2014, I wrote an article asking this question of Leonardo daVinci: What if Leonardo da Vinci had SOLIDWORKS? The blog received a lot of interest, and it seems I was not alone, as many responded and shared the article. However, taking this thought to the next level: I was curious if these great innovators
5 years ago
The concept of home is intensely personal. For some it represents safety and security. For others it’s a place to escape from the rigours of modernity. Yet, while those definitions may prove timeless, the homes of the future look set to be connected learning environments that are seamlessly integrated with the urban community around them.
5 years ago
autonomous_ship_rolls_ royce Ever since humanity crawled from the oceans it seems we have been fixated with returning to them. From humble vine-bound wooden rafts to town-sized liners transporting thousands of holidaying guests at a time, it’s fair to say that, as a species, we’ve got travelling the oceans covered. Now, finally, it might be time for people to step away from the big blue once again. The latest ocean-going vessels have no need for a human captain and the era of self-sailing ships
6 years ago
The deep sea is a mysterious place. A place that science knows very little about. Modern engineering is here to change that, with a new wave of sophisticated technology that is allowing us to learn more about the deep sea than ever before. alvin_wired_magazine From the stars to the seas
6 years ago
pyongyang_winter_games_south_korea In 1924 in the French commune of Chamonix, the first winter games took place. Flash forward to today and the technology involved in the winter games has moved on spectacularly. Here’s a rundown of the some of the innovations that will be on show at the 2018 games. A techy take on the torch relay The torch relay is an enduring pre-games tradition.
6 years ago
Yikes. Sometimes it feels like each technological innovation moves us further from our natural world. Yet exciting modern engineering projects are connecting the past and the future like never before
6 years ago
109 years? It’s been a long time since Henry T Ford’s first mass-produced automobile rolled off the production line. Things have come a long way since then. Quite literally.
6 years ago
Our planet’s population is increasing. People are everywhere – and they all need to be somewhere else. As a result, mass transport is becoming a problem, as big as the exceeding populations themselves. The question is less about where we go from here and more about how we get there.
6 years ago
In a previous blog on Drawingless or Paperless, we clarified that MBD Implementations don’t require heavy upfront investment on digital equipment. However, there are indeed MBD manufacturers around the world who are also very successful with paperless processes. This post will introduce two visionary examples: Gulfstream and Yaris Kabin. Let’s find out how they upgraded their infrastructure (software and hardware) and what benefits have been realized.
8 years ago
In my last post, we talked about the proven benefits and opportunities associated with Model- Based Definition (MBD) along with the cost of inaction (not taking advantage of this fast-growing trend). Please refer to the posts, “Don’t hesitate (Part 1 and Part 2) in Table 1 for more details. Now when the rubber hits the road, a practical piece of advice is “Don’t take too big a bite at first.” MBD_Implementation_10_DOs_10_DONTs There have been plenty of painful lessons learned from being too
8 years ago
In my previous blogs on the topic of Model-Based Definition (MBD), I talked about Driving MBD from top down and Don’t hesitate (Part 1 and Part 2) in Table 1. This post will focus on another recommendations from peoples’ perspective: Establish a core implementation team. A special task force is a must to take the lead and cut through layers of resistance. They should also be rewarded for successes and held accountable for failures of MBD implementation.
8 years ago
My last blog started the topic of “Don’t Hesitate” which touched upon: Why is MBD so urgent? How to obtain top management support? What are the specific benefits? What are the concerns?
8 years ago
In my last blog, I underlined the importance of driving MBD from top down. The following natural questions are what the specific benefits of MBD are, how to obtain support from top, and how to handle objections. These two blogs “Don’t hesitate” (Part 1 and part 2) will try to answer these questions from people mindset perspective. As mentioned in the MBD Implementation 10 DOs and 10 DONTs Introduction blog, MBD is a natural thought and 58% of SOLIDWORKS users have considered defining Product and
8 years ago
In my previous Introduction blog, I listed 10 DOs and DONTs in MBD implementation from three key aspects: People: organizational structure and mindset. Process: methodology, procedures, and tools. Product: product design and manufacturing. MBD_Implementation_10_DOs_10_DONTs People always comes first.
8 years ago
Model-Based Definition (MBD, Figure 1) is the practice of integrating Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI), such as Dimensions, Tolerances, Datum, Bill of Materials (BOMs), Surface finishes, Notes, Weld symbols, and associated metadata with 3D solid models within 3D CAD software to provide specifications for individual components and product assemblies. Traditionally, such specifications are provided by 2D engineering drawings (Figure 2). Clearly, MBD reads much more intuitively and
8 years ago
How should we get started with Model-Based Definition (MBD)? This is a vital, but complex topic because even a simple change is hard, let alone a shift from 200-year-old 2D drawings to 3D model-based processes, but we can at least start the discussion here. Implementation takes time and differs from company to company. At a higher level, it can be summarized into 3 key areas: People, Process, and Product.
8 years ago
There is an expression: a picture’s worth a thousand words, meaning that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a simple image. It also describes the goal of visualization; making it possible to absorb large amounts of complex data very quickly. This idea also works when it comes to understanding complex design and manufacturing data.
8 years ago
Engineering 4.0 is requiring companies to evaluate how to best leverage not only their engineering practices, but also their data management practices. For many companies, this means wrestling with multiple CAD systems and file formats as they work in parallel with their SOLIDWORKS environment, or transition to a unified SOLIDWORKS environment. Regardless of the CAD system, having your data in a managed environment is the first step in allowing the right people, at the right time, to leverage
9 years ago
Recently, I interviewed SOLIDWORKS Inspection Product Manager Mathieu Fourcade to ask about the advantages user experience by implementing SOLIDWORKS Inspection into their design workflow. In the below video, Matt discusses several benefits including the huge cost savings by re-using the intellectual property in design data. Click here to learn how SOLIDWORKS Inspection enables you to create inspection reports and ballooned drawings in just minutes, for time savings of up to 90 percent. Got 22-
9 years ago
I sat down with SOLIDWORKS Inspection Product Manager Mathieu Fourcade to talk about re-using design data throughout the supply chain using SOLIDWORKS inspection. We discussed the time and cost savings with using Inspection, and also how Inspection fits in with Engineering 4.0. Click here to learn how SOLIDWORKS Inspection enables you to create inspection reports and ballooned drawings in just minutes, for time savings of up to 90 percent. Read our article and infographic to learn how building a
9 years ago