var translate= new Array(); function getTranslation(key){ if ( translate[key] != undefined && translate[key].length > 0 ) { return translate[key]; } else {return key;}; };var objalltranslation = {" Contact DS Graphics at: ":" Contact DS Graphics at: "," Contact Sales":" Contact Sales"," Days until trial is over.":" Days until trial is over."," Find a Reseller":" Find a Reseller"," Get a Product Demo":" Get a Product Demo"," Get a Quote":" Get a Quote"," Good network connectivity":" Good network connectivity"," Guide.":" Guide."," Slow network connectivity":" Slow network connectivity"," and ":" and "," page.":" page."," rows would be affected. id = ":" rows would be affected. id = "," section of the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.":" section of the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar."," | MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network":" | MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network","(upper left of the browser window) to find the setting that works best. Most people use Match local display.":"(upper left of the browser window) to find the setting that works best. Most people use Match local display.",") your browser and wait 30-60 seconds for the previous session to close.":") your browser and wait 30-60 seconds for the previous session to close.",". TIP: Drag and drop files from your local Windows Explorer to the Home Folder (or sub folders you create) once in My Files. Files uploaded here are available to open via This PC > Home Folder":". TIP: Drag and drop files from your local Windows Explorer to the Home Folder (or sub folders you create) once in My Files. Files uploaded here are available to open via This PC > Home Folder","1. Email and Account Type:":"1. Email and Account Type:","160+ SOLIDWORKS product tutorial videos":"160+ SOLIDWORKS product tutorial videos","1M":"1M","1Y":"1Y","2. Company or Institution":"2. Company or Institution","2D Design":"2D Design","3. Profile":"3. Profile","30GB online storage per user":"30GB online storage per user","320+ SOLIDWORKS product tutorial videos":"320+ SOLIDWORKS product tutorial videos","3D CAD":"3D CAD","3D Creator and 3D Sculptor cloud-based design solutions":"3D Creator and 3D Sculptor cloud-based design solutions","3D Design":"3D Design","3D Part Supply Experience brings geometric search for 3D content across the Web into SOLIDWORKS 2017":"3D Part Supply Experience brings geometric search for 3D content across the Web into SOLIDWORKS 2017","3D Printing":"3D Printing","3D geometric search for content
from leading part suppliers":"3D geometric search for content
from leading part suppliers","3DDrive online storage (5GB) for anywhere, any time access and online sharing":"3DDrive online storage (5GB) for anywhere, any time access and online sharing","3DEXPERIENCE Platform":"3DEXPERIENCE Platform","3DEXPERIENCE WORLD Technical Sessions":"3DEXPERIENCE WORLD Technical Sessions","3DSwym communities for collaboration and projects":"3DSwym communities for collaboration and projects","3M":"3M","4. Confirmation":"4. Confirmation","404 Page not found":"404 Page not found","5GB online storage per user":"5GB online storage per user","5GB or more of 3DEXPERIENCE online content storage and sharing":"5GB or more of 3DEXPERIENCE online content storage and sharing","6M":"6M","700+ SOLIDWORKS product tutorial videos":"700+ SOLIDWORKS product tutorial videos"," I am not a SolidWorks customer or I do not have a SolidWorks Serial #<\/b> \" as shown in the visual below.":" I am not a SolidWorks customer or I do not have a SolidWorks Serial #<\/b> \" as shown in the visual below.","I am not a SolidWorks customer or I do not have a SolidWorks Serial #<\/b> \", click on the \" Next > <\/b>\" button to continue. ":"I am not a SolidWorks customer or I do not have a SolidWorks Serial #<\/b> \", click on the \" Next > <\/b>\" button to continue. ","I have read and agreed to the Privacy Policy.<\/b>\" ":"I have read and agreed to the Privacy Policy.<\/b>\" ","Sorry,<\/span> ":"Sorry,<\/span> ","Sorry,<\/span> the requested page does not exist.":"Sorry,<\/span> the requested page does not exist.","Sorry,<\/span> there has been an error loading this page":"Sorry,<\/span> there has been an error loading this page"," Warning! <\/strong>Some events are overlapping.":" Warning! <\/strong>Some events are overlapping.","3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE WORLD technical sessions help you expand your skill set, increase your productivity and quickly turn your ideas into amazing new products.":"3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE WORLD technical sessions help you expand your skill set, increase your productivity and quickly turn your ideas into amazing new products.","3D<\/strong>Swymer":"3D<\/strong>Swymer","Activate your complimentary MySolidWorks subscription upgrade<\/strong>":"Activate your complimentary MySolidWorks subscription upgrade<\/strong>","Email address: <\/strong> Enter the email address for your SOLIDWORKS ID or 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID.":"Email address: <\/strong> Enter the email address for your SOLIDWORKS ID or 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID.","Learn more <\/strong> about SOLIDWORKS and 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE IDs.":"Learn more <\/strong> about SOLIDWORKS and 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE IDs.","No results found!<\/strong> Suggestions: Check spelling, try a different search, or browse topics below.":"No results found!<\/strong> Suggestions: Check spelling, try a different search, or browse topics below.","Password: <\/strong> Enter your password.":"Password: <\/strong> Enter your password.","Tips for SOLIDWORKS IDs: <\/strong> Some people with SOLIDWORKS IDs may need to do one of these steps.":"Tips for SOLIDWORKS IDs: <\/strong> Some people with SOLIDWORKS IDs may need to do one of these steps.","Your complimentary MySolidWorks subscription<\/strong>":"Your complimentary MySolidWorks subscription<\/strong>","A global ecosystem of qualified industrial manufacturing service providers ":"A global ecosystem of qualified industrial manufacturing service providers ","A news item is a link to a page on your website.":"A news item is a link to a page on your website.","A secure 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for your company":"A secure 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for your company","ALL":"ALL","ATTENTION:":"ATTENTION:","About":"About","About MySolidWorks":"About MySolidWorks","Accept":"Accept","Access Level":"Access Level","Access Secure eBook":"Access Secure eBook","Access a worldwide network of manufacturers to help bring your designs to life":"Access a worldwide network of manufacturers to help bring your designs to life","Access all SOLIDWORKS certification preparation courses including CSWA, CSWP, CSWE, and CSWPA (Drawing Tools, Mold Tools, Sheetmetal, Surfacing, Weldments)":"Access all SOLIDWORKS certification preparation courses including CSWA, CSWP, CSWE, and CSWPA (Drawing Tools, Mold Tools, Sheetmetal, Surfacing, Weldments)","Access an Electronic Copy of the Training Manual":"Access an Electronic Copy of the Training Manual","Access and search Knowledge Base solutions":"Access and search Knowledge Base solutions","Access and search SPR database and Knowledge Base solutions":"Access and search SPR database and Knowledge Base solutions","Access and search Software Performance Reports (SPRs), online help, and more":"Access and search Software Performance Reports (SPRs), online help, and more","Access is for the specific book, version, and language that you register. For example, when you register SOLIDWORKS Essentials 2020 English, you are not entitled to SOLIDWORKS Drawings, the 2021 version of the book, or the German version of the book.":"Access is for the specific book, version, and language that you register. For example, when you register SOLIDWORKS Essentials 2020 English, you are not entitled to SOLIDWORKS Drawings, the 2021 version of the book, or the German version of the book.","Access the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) preparation course":"Access the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) preparation course","Access to hundreds of online product tutorial videos":"Access to hundreds of online product tutorial videos","Access to this content requires an active MySolidWorks Professional subscription. Please contact your VAR for more details.":"Access to this content requires an active MySolidWorks Professional subscription. Please contact your VAR for more details.","Access to this content requires an active MySolidWorks subscription. Please contact your VAR for more details.":"Access to this content requires an active MySolidWorks subscription. Please contact your VAR for more details.","Access your existing cloud storage accounts from within MySolidWorks":"Access your existing cloud storage accounts from within MySolidWorks","Access your online file sharing resources.":"Access your online file sharing resources.","Access your reseller's technical content and upcoming events with My Reseller":"Access your reseller's technical content and upcoming events with My Reseller","Accesses more SOLIDWORKS applications, changes the resolution, shows and hides usage statistics, shares and quits the session, and so on.":"Accesses more SOLIDWORKS applications, changes the resolution, shows and hides usage statistics, shares and quits the session, and so on.","Account Information":"Account Information","Account Type":"Account Type","Action":"Action","Activate":"Activate","Activate MySolidWorks Standard":"Activate MySolidWorks Standard","Activate Now":"Activate Now","Activate your account by clicking a validation link sent to your email.":"Activate your account by clicking a validation link sent to your email.","Activate your complimentary subscription upgrade to MySolidWorks Plus so you can use your SOLIDWORKS ID to access the new features.":"Activate your complimentary subscription upgrade to MySolidWorks Plus so you can use your SOLIDWORKS ID to access the new features.","Active":"Active","Add":"Add","Add Blog and YouTube Feeds to My Reseller section of MySolidWorks. RSS URL must be a valid RSS feed. Only Blog and YouTube feeds allowed.":"Add Blog and YouTube Feeds to My Reseller section of MySolidWorks. RSS URL must be a valid RSS feed. Only Blog and YouTube feeds allowed.","Add Bookmark":"Add Bookmark","Add Lesson Failed":"Add Lesson Failed","Add a Feed":"Add a Feed","Add a news item":"Add a news item","Add news items to your My Reseller page. These will be shown within the News area.":"Add news items to your My Reseller page. These will be shown within the News area.","Add to My Training":"Add to My Training","Add valid (see\/feed) RSS feeds for Blogs and YouTube for your customers. You may have up to 5 feeds.":"Add valid (see\/feed) RSS feeds for Blogs and YouTube for your customers. You may have up to 5 feeds.","Add\/Edit A Feed":"Add\/Edit A Feed","Add\/Edit News Item":"Add\/Edit News Item","Added on":"Added on","Address":"Address","Admin My Value-Added Reseller (VAR)":"Admin My Value-Added Reseller (VAR)","Admin Portal":"Admin Portal","Administration Guides":"Administration Guides","Administration Guides | MySolidWorks":"Administration Guides | MySolidWorks","After you selected ":"After you selected ","All":"All","All Fields are required":"All Fields are required","All Tutorial Videos":"All Tutorial Videos","All fields are required to complete for file to upload":"All fields are required to complete for file to upload","All fields are required!":"All fields are required!","All fields are required.":"All fields are required.","All registered users":"All registered users","All the benefits of the Plus level,":"All the benefits of the Plus level,","All this in addition to Standard level subscription access":"All this in addition to Standard level subscription access","All users with a MySolidWorks Professional subscription":"All users with a MySolidWorks Professional subscription","All users with an active subscription":"All users with an active subscription","All you need is a 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID.":"All you need is a 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID.","Almost there...":"Almost there...","Already have an account?":"Already have an account?","Already registered!":"Already registered!","An error occurred":"An error occurred","An error occurred!":"An error occurred!","Analytics":"Analytics","Analytics | My Reseller | MySolidWorks":"Analytics | My Reseller | MySolidWorks","And much more...":"And much more...","Answer:":"Answer:","Any files you create will be deleted from the evaluation system after you close the evaluation session, unless you save them to the Home Folder.":"Any files you create will be deleted from the evaluation system after you close the evaluation session, unless you save them to the Home Folder.","Any files you save locally will be erased<\/strong> when your session ends or times out":"Any files you save locally will be erased<\/strong> when your session ends or times out","Anywhere, Anytime":"Anywhere, Anytime","Apply":"Apply","Approve":"Approve","Approve manufacturer":"Approve manufacturer","Apr":"Apr","Are you sure you want delete this":"Are you sure you want delete this","Are you sure you want to become Reseller Admin ?":"Are you sure you want to become Reseller Admin ?","Are you sure you want to delete the feed titled":"Are you sure you want to delete the feed titled","Are you sure you want to delete the news item titled":"Are you sure you want to delete the news item titled","Are you sure you want to delete these files\/folders?":"Are you sure you want to delete these files\/folders?","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Are you sure you want to delete this file?","Are you sure you want to remove this attachment?":"Are you sure you want to remove this attachment?","Are you sure you want to remove this eCourse?":"Are you sure you want to remove this eCourse?","Are you sure you want to remove this learning path?":"Are you sure you want to remove this learning path?","Are you sure you want to remove this lesson?":"Are you sure you want to remove this lesson?","Are you sure?":"Are you sure?","Area:":"Area:","Areas":"Areas","As the first person from %s to activate the MySolidWorks upgrade,you will be the first Subscription Manager<\/strong>. You can give this role to someone else later.":"As the first person from %s to activate the MySolidWorks upgrade,you will be the first Subscription Manager<\/strong>. You can give this role to someone else later.","As the first person from %s<\/strong> to activate MySolidWorks Plus, you will become the Platform Manager<\/strong>, responsible for distributing any additional subscriptions to others at your company.":"As the first person from %s<\/strong> to activate MySolidWorks Plus, you will become the Platform Manager<\/strong>, responsible for distributing any additional subscriptions to others at your company.","Ask Questions and find answers in the Administration area of the forums":"Ask Questions and find answers in the Administration area of the forums","Assembly":"Assembly","Assembly Modeling":"Assembly Modeling","At least one category needs to be selected":"At least one category needs to be selected","At least one process needs to be selected":"At least one process needs to be selected","Aug":"Aug","Author Information":"Author Information","Available to:":"Available to:","Average rating":"Average rating","BUY":"BUY","Back":"Back","Back to Content":"Back to Content","Basic Tools":"Basic Tools","Become a Reseller":"Become a Reseller","Below are free training videos from You can open these videos in a separate Web browser so you can use the training videos along with the SOLIDWORKS in the browser version.":"Below are free training videos from You can open these videos in a separate Web browser so you can use the training videos along with the SOLIDWORKS in the browser version.","Best Source for Engineering Design Solutions":"Best Source for Engineering Design Solutions","Blog":"Blog","Blogs":"Blogs","Blogs \/ Videos":"Blogs \/ Videos","Book Serial Number:":"Book Serial Number:","Both Subject and Comment need to be filled in.":"Both Subject and Comment need to be filled in.","Both Subject and Manufacturer Information need to be filled in.":"Both Subject and Manufacturer Information need to be filled in.","Browse all your bookmarks":"Browse all your bookmarks","Browse and connect with manufacturers.":"Browse and connect with manufacturers.","Browse and search forums, blogs, online help and more":"Browse and search forums, blogs, online help and more","Browse for and connect with manufacturers.":"Browse for and connect with manufacturers.","Browse the latest SOLIDWORKS news, discussions, and content on MySolidWorks":"Browse the latest SOLIDWORKS news, discussions, and content on MySolidWorks","Browsers Support":"Browsers Support","Build your capabilities with the expanding ecosystem of apps from SOLIDWORKS and Dassault Syst\u00e8mes":"Build your capabilities with the expanding ecosystem of apps from SOLIDWORKS and Dassault Syst\u00e8mes","Build your capabilities with the expanding ecosystem of apps from SOLIDWORKS and Dassault Syst\u00e8mes.":"Build your capabilities with the expanding ecosystem of apps from SOLIDWORKS and Dassault Syst\u00e8mes.","Buy Online":"Buy Online","Buzz":"Buzz","Buzz | MySolidWorks":"Buzz | MySolidWorks","By":"By","CAD Models":"CAD Models","CAM":"CAM","CNC Machining":"CNC Machining","CONTACT RESELLER":"CONTACT RESELLER","CONTACT SALES":"CONTACT SALES","CORS not supported":"CORS not supported","CSWA Prep Course":"CSWA Prep Course","CSWE Prep Course":"CSWE Prep Course","CSWP Prep Course":"CSWP Prep Course","CSWPA - Drawing Tools":"CSWPA - Drawing Tools","CSWPA - Mold Tools":"CSWPA - Mold Tools","CSWPA - Sheetmetal":"CSWPA - Sheetmetal","CSWPA - Surfacing":"CSWPA - Surfacing","CSWPA - Weldments":"CSWPA - Weldments","Cached":"Cached","Cancel":"Cancel","Catalog":"Catalog","Categories":"Categories","Categories\/Processes":"Categories\/Processes","Categories:":"Categories:","Category":"Category","Certification":"Certification","Certifications":"Certifications","Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) online prep-courses":"Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) online prep-courses","Change":"Change","Change Student Serial #":"Change Student Serial #","Check \"My Products\" in the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal<\/a> to confirm that your registered SOLIDWORKS serial number and expiration date are correct. Contact your Value Added Reseller to renew your subscription or for further support.":"Check \"My Products\" in the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal<\/a> to confirm that your registered SOLIDWORKS serial number and expiration date are correct. Contact your Value Added Reseller to renew your subscription or for further support.","Check if you supplied a search term":"Check if you supplied a search term","Check spelling":"Check spelling","Check the spelling of your terms":"Check the spelling of your terms","Check your internet connection quality using ":"Check your internet connection quality using ","Choose a state":"Choose a state","Choose a year":"Choose a year","City":"City","Classroom Training":"Classroom Training","Classroom, online training, and certification resources.":"Classroom, online training, and certification resources.","Clear":"Clear","Clear filters":"Clear filters","Click  Settings<\/strong>":"Click  Settings<\/strong>","Click Upload files <\/strong>":"Click Upload files <\/strong>","Click Activate<\/strong> so that you can use your SolidWorks ID to access the complimentary new features in your MySolidWorks Plus upgrade.":"Click Activate<\/strong> so that you can use your SolidWorks ID to access the complimentary new features in your MySolidWorks Plus upgrade.","Click Profiles<\/strong> ":"Click Profiles<\/strong> ","Click Here":"Click Here","Click on \"Register My Products<\/a>\" link":"Click on \"Register My Products<\/a>\" link","Click on the \"Next ><\/b>\" button to continue.<\/li>":"Click on the \"Next ><\/b>\" button to continue.<\/li>","Click on the \"Next ><\/b>\" button to continue.<\/li> ":"Click on the \"Next ><\/b>\" button to continue.<\/li> ","Click on the link in the email to activate your SOLIDWORKS online account.":"Click on the link in the email to activate your SOLIDWORKS online account.","Click the link in the email sent by SOLIDWORKS to
validate your email and activate your account.":"Click the link in the email sent by SOLIDWORKS to
validate your email and activate your account.","Click to connect with your Dropbox account":"Click to connect with your Dropbox account","Click to connect with your Google Drive account":"Click to connect with your Google Drive account","Click to navigate to the lesson":"Click to navigate to the lesson","Click to read more about this article":"Click to read more about this article","Click to view 3D":"Click to view 3D","Close":"Close","Cloud Service":"Cloud Service","Collaborate better with clients, partners and engineering on the 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE Platform <\/p>":"Collaborate better with clients, partners and engineering on the 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE Platform <\/p>","Collaborate in communities with blog posts, wikis, ideation, and questions":"Collaborate in communities with blog posts, wikis, ideation, and questions","Collapse All":"Collapse All","Combine online storage":"Combine online storage","Come back here to log in.":"Come back here to log in.","Comment":"Comment","Comment needs to be filled in.":"Comment needs to be filled in.","Comment:":"Comment:","Comments":"Comments","Communicate effortlessly from request to delivery with in-App messaging and 3D based collaboration to iterate on design and manufacturing specifications":"Communicate effortlessly from request to delivery with in-App messaging and 3D based collaboration to iterate on design and manufacturing specifications","Community":"Community","Community collaboration tools: blogs, wikis, ideation, and more":"Community collaboration tools: blogs, wikis, ideation, and more","Company":"Company","Company Image:":"Company Image:","Company Name":"Company Name","Company or Institution":"Company or Institution","Compare models side by side to find the best fit for your needs":"Compare models side by side to find the best fit for your needs","Compatible with":"Compatible with","Complete and submit this registration form.":"Complete and submit this registration form.","Complete the input fields for:":"Complete the input fields for:","Complete the required fields:":"Complete the required fields:","Completed":"Completed","Configure and Download":"Configure and Download","Confirm":"Confirm","Confirm Delete":"Confirm Delete","Confirm Reseller Admin":"Confirm Reseller Admin","Congratulations!":"Congratulations!","Connect":"Connect","Connect to Dropbox":"Connect to Dropbox","Connect to Google Drive":"Connect to Google Drive","Connect to an existing service":"Connect to an existing service","Connect with manufacturers":"Connect with manufacturers","Connect with manufacturers. Build prototypes. Get a quote.":"Connect with manufacturers. Build prototypes. Get a quote.","Connect with the SOLIDWORKS community.":"Connect with the SOLIDWORKS community.","Connect with the world's best designers and exchange high-quality free 3D Models":"Connect with the world's best designers and exchange high-quality free 3D Models","Connect with your VAR (Value Added Reseller).":"Connect with your VAR (Value Added Reseller).","Connect your existing cloud storage":"Connect your existing cloud storage","Connect your existing cloud storage together for use with MySolidWorks.":"Connect your existing cloud storage together for use with MySolidWorks.","Connection refused: It looks like you already connected...":"Connection refused: It looks like you already connected...","Contact Email":"Contact Email","Contact Information":"Contact Information","Contact Number:":"Contact Number:","Contact Reseller":"Contact Reseller","Contact email":"Contact email","Contact reseller":"Contact reseller","Contact your Reseller":"Contact your Reseller","Contact your SOLIDWORKS reseller for further information.":"Contact your SOLIDWORKS reseller for further information.","Contact your reseller for assistance with the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial":"Contact your reseller for assistance with the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial","Contact your reseller to request a full 7-day SOLIDWORKS Online or Desktop evaluation":"Contact your reseller to request a full 7-day SOLIDWORKS Online or Desktop evaluation","Contact your reseller to upgrade to MySolidWorks Professional":"Contact your reseller to upgrade to MySolidWorks Professional","Contact your reseller to upgrade to MySolidWorks Professional.":"Contact your reseller to upgrade to MySolidWorks Professional.","Content":"Content","Content From The Community":"Content From The Community","Contents of SOLIDWORKS Product Trial":"Contents of SOLIDWORKS Product Trial","Continue":"Continue","Continue as the Platform Manager. You can give this role to someone else later if you wish.":"Continue as the Platform Manager. You can give this role to someone else later if you wish.","Continue to create your ID":"Continue to create your ID","Convenient, unlimited 24\/7 access to classroom, online training, and certification resources.":"Convenient, unlimited 24\/7 access to classroom, online training, and certification resources.","Convenient, unlimited 24\/7 access to online training":"Convenient, unlimited 24\/7 access to online training","Costing Template Details":"Costing Template Details","Count":"Count","Country":"Country","Course Description":"Course Description","Course Modules":"Course Modules","Course expired without completion!":"Course expired without completion!","Create 3D designs and organic shapes in your browser \u2013 anywhere, anytime.":"Create 3D designs and organic shapes in your browser \u2013 anywhere, anytime.","Create Account":"Create Account","Create ID":"Create ID","Create a new 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID using your SOLIDWORKS ID email address.":"Create a new 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID using your SOLIDWORKS ID email address.","Create a new password for 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE.":"Create a new password for 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE.","Create an ID":"Create an ID","Create one today":"Create one today","Create your SOLIDWORKS ID.":"Create your SOLIDWORKS ID.","Creating a new 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID":"Creating a new 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID","Creating and Logging in to your MySolidWorks for Students account":"Creating and Logging in to your MySolidWorks for Students account","Current Subscription":"Current Subscription","":"","Data Management":"Data Management","Date":"Date","Dec":"Dec","Decline":"Decline","Decline manufacturer":"Decline manufacturer","Delete":"Delete","Deleting Feed":"Deleting Feed","Deleting News Item":"Deleting News Item","Delist":"Delist","Delist manufacturer":"Delist manufacturer","Description":"Description","Description of services, capacities, and materials.":"Description of services, capacities, and materials.","Description:":"Description:","Details available in the expanded view.":"Details available in the expanded view.","Did you click the link in the email sent by SOLIDWORKS to ":"Did you click the link in the email sent by SOLIDWORKS to ","Did you click the link in the email sent by SOLIDWORKS to
validate your email and activate your account?":"Did you click the link in the email sent by SOLIDWORKS to
validate your email and activate your account?","Did you create your SOLIDWORKS ID?":"Did you create your SOLIDWORKS ID?","Director of Education Community, SolidWorks":"Director of Education Community, SolidWorks","Discover 3D models and connect with the world's best designers and exchange high-quality free 3D models.":"Discover 3D models and connect with the world's best designers and exchange high-quality free 3D models.","Discover what SOLIDWORKS users are discussing.":"Discover what SOLIDWORKS users are discussing.","Discover what\u2019s new in SOLIDWORKS in your browser":"Discover what\u2019s new in SOLIDWORKS in your browser","Discovered at":"Discovered at","Do not interact with it (by keyboard or mouse) for 10 minutes.":"Do not interact with it (by keyboard or mouse) for 10 minutes.","Do not interact with it (by keyboard or mouse) for 20 minutes.":"Do not interact with it (by keyboard or mouse) for 20 minutes.","Documentation":"Documentation","Don't have a":"Don't have a","Don't have a MySolidWorks Professional Serial Number?
Contact your Reseller.<\/a>":"Don't have a MySolidWorks Professional Serial Number? Contact your Reseller.<\/a>","Don't have an account?":"Don't have an account?","Don't see the Product you are interested in listed? Contact Sales":"Don't see the Product you are interested in listed? Contact Sales","Don't show this again":"Don't show this again","Download":"Download","Download Exercise File":"Download Exercise File","Download SOLIDWORKS software and service packs.":"Download SOLIDWORKS software and service packs.","Download model directly into SOLIDWORKS 2017 UI":"Download model directly into SOLIDWORKS 2017 UI","Download the VirtualTester client from this link: ":"Download the VirtualTester client from this link: ","Download\/Install Chrome":"Download\/Install Chrome","Download\/Install Firefox":"Download\/Install Firefox","Downloading Files":"Downloading Files","Downloads":"Downloads","Drawing":"Drawing","Drawings":"Drawings","Drive":"Drive","During your browser-based session, any files created or modifications made to sample files are not saved on disk after the session is closed. The exception to this is files saved under the Home Folder location during your session.":"During your browser-based session, any files created or modifications made to sample files are not saved on disk after the session is closed. The exception to this is files saved under the Home Folder location during your session.","EXTEND MY TRIAL":"EXTEND MY TRIAL","Easily share large files with customers, suppliers and coworkers":"Easily share large files with customers, suppliers and coworkers","Easily view and share your designs through MySolidWorks":"Easily view and share your designs through MySolidWorks","Easy-to-deploy data management facilitates collaboration":"Easy-to-deploy data management facilitates collaboration","Edit":"Edit","Edit Manufacturer Profile":"Edit Manufacturer Profile","Edit feed":"Edit feed","Edit news item":"Edit news item","Edit your events\/seminars and feeds shown on your customers My Reseller page. The Seminars use the VAR Resource Center (VRC) Seminar Posting tool.":"Edit your events\/seminars and feeds shown on your customers My Reseller page. The Seminars use the VAR Resource Center (VRC) Seminar Posting tool.","Edit\/Delete":"Edit\/Delete","Email":"Email","Email address:":"Email address:","Email sent":"Email sent","Email:":"Email:","Email: If the email you receive from the publisher is garbled, please change the encoding to UTF-8.":"Email: If the email you receive from the publisher is garbled, please change the encoding to UTF-8.","Employees":"Employees","End date":"End date","Ends":"Ends","Enjoy\u2026And let us know what you think at":"Enjoy\u2026And let us know what you think at","Enter a valid 24 character Student Serial # that begins with 9020. If you need assistance, contact your professor.":"Enter a valid 24 character Student Serial # that begins with 9020. If you need assistance, contact your professor.","Enter email":"Enter email","Enter one or more email addresses separated by commas":"Enter one or more email addresses separated by commas","Enter your email address.":"Enter your email address.","Error":"Error","Error deleting feed, ":"Error deleting feed, ","Error deleting newsitem, ":"Error deleting newsitem, ","Evaluate SOLIDWORKS":"Evaluate SOLIDWORKS","Evaluate SOLIDWORKS products with MySolidWorks Online Product Trials from any tablet, PC, or Mac.":"Evaluate SOLIDWORKS products with MySolidWorks Online Product Trials from any tablet, PC, or Mac.","Evaluation Data":"Evaluation Data","Event":"Event","Events":"Events","Events Calendar":"Events Calendar","Everything":"Everything","Exam results from vouchers used by a different email address will be deleted.":"Exam results from vouchers used by a different email address will be deleted.","Exceed the maximum duration.":"Exceed the maximum duration.","Exceed the maximum duration. The maximum duration of a session is shown in a countdown timer at the bottom of the screen while you run SOLIDWORKS in the browser.":"Exceed the maximum duration. The maximum duration of a session is shown in a countdown timer at the bottom of the screen while you run SOLIDWORKS in the browser.","Exception information:":"Exception information:","Exiting SOLIDWORKS":"Exiting SOLIDWORKS","Exiting your SOLIDWORKS online trial":"Exiting your SOLIDWORKS online trial","Expand":"Expand","Experts for Professional Training":"Experts for Professional Training","Expiration Date":"Expiration Date","Expiration:":"Expiration:","Expired":"Expired","Expired:":"Expired:","Expires:":"Expires:","Explore":"Explore","Explore Parts and Assemblies from":"Explore Parts and Assemblies from","Explore Parts and Assemblies from 3D ContentCentral.":"Explore Parts and Assemblies from 3D ContentCentral.","Explore and search Knowledge Base":"Explore and search Knowledge Base","Explore and search SPR database":"Explore and search SPR database","Explore models from SOLIDWORKS users.":"Explore models from SOLIDWORKS users.","Explore over 1,000 SOLIDWORKS online product tutorial videos in a wide range of topics and releases.":"Explore over 1,000 SOLIDWORKS online product tutorial videos in a wide range of topics and releases.","Export":"Export","Ext (optional)":"Ext (optional)","Extend My Trial":"Extend My Trial","Extend your SOLIDWORKS portfolio to the cloud and take your collaboration, agility and speed to market to the next level through secure collaboration and data sharing.":"Extend your SOLIDWORKS portfolio to the cloud and take your collaboration, agility and speed to market to the next level through secure collaboration and data sharing.","F5":"F5","FLEXlm End Users Guide":"FLEXlm End Users Guide","FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS":"FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS","Feature":"Feature","Featured Learning Paths":"Featured Learning Paths","Featured Lessons":"Featured Lessons","Featured Manufacturer":"Featured Manufacturer","Feb":"Feb","Feed Info":"Feed Info","Feed URL":"Feed URL","Feed URL\/Status":"Feed URL\/Status","Feedback":"Feedback","Feeds":"Feeds","File:":"File:","Filename":"Filename","Finally, a collection of sample files are also included in the SOLIDWORKS Product Trial<\/strong> folder to help you further explore SOLIDWORKS capabilities.":"Finally, a collection of sample files are also included in the SOLIDWORKS Product Trial<\/strong> folder to help you further explore SOLIDWORKS capabilities.","Find Answers":"Find Answers","Find a Reseller":"Find a Reseller","Find a SOLIDWORKS Reseller":"Find a SOLIDWORKS Reseller","Find answers to all your questions about your
SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial":"Find answers to all your questions about your
SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial","Find answers to all your questions about your
{{uin.swotcModel.productName}}":"Find answers to all your questions about your
{{uin.swotcModel.productName}}","Find answers to all your questions about your SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial,":"Find answers to all your questions about your SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial,","Find out more":"Find out more","Find supplier parts using 3D geometry search inside SOLIDWORKS 2017":"Find supplier parts using 3D geometry search inside SOLIDWORKS 2017","First Name":"First Name","Fixed in:":"Fixed in:","Follow along with the video using example files":"Follow along with the video using example files","Follow on Facebook":"Follow on Facebook","Follow on Google+":"Follow on Google+","Follow on LinkedIn":"Follow on LinkedIn","Follow on Twitter":"Follow on Twitter","Follow on Youtube":"Follow on Youtube","Follow-us on or invite others":"Follow-us on or invite others","For Manufacturers":"For Manufacturers","For technical support please visit:":"For technical support please visit:","For technical support, please visit the ":"For technical support, please visit the ","For users with active SOLIDWORKS subscription and MySolidWorks Professional License.":"For users with active SOLIDWORKS subscription and MySolidWorks Professional License.","For users with active SOLIDWORKS subscription. $360 per year, per user":"For users with active SOLIDWORKS subscription. $360 per year, per user","Form was submitted":"Form was submitted","Forums":"Forums","Forums | MySolidWorks":"Forums | MySolidWorks","Forward":"Forward","Free when you join or log in to MySolidWorks":"Free when you join or log in to MySolidWorks","From":"From","From:":"From:","Full Name":"Full Name","Full access to SOLIDWORKS 2017 anywhere, anytime until the end of Beta":"Full access to SOLIDWORKS 2017 anywhere, anytime until the end of Beta","Full access to SOLIDWORKS Premium for the trial period":"Full access to SOLIDWORKS Premium for the trial period","Full access to SOLIDWORKS Premium for trial period":"Full access to SOLIDWORKS Premium for trial period","Gain access to all that SOLIDWORKS has to offer.":"Gain access to all that SOLIDWORKS has to offer.","Get 1 hour to use SOLIDWORKS for trial period":"Get 1 hour to use SOLIDWORKS for trial period","Get Answers":"Get Answers","Get CSWA Voucher":"Get CSWA Voucher","Get Certified":"Get Certified","Get Free Access to a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Exam":"Get Free Access to a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Exam","Get Listed":"Get Listed","Get Started":"Get Started","Get Started Now!":"Get Started Now!","Get Started:":"Get Started:","Get Training Manuals":"Get Training Manuals","Get a Quote":"Get a Quote","Get a quote":"Get a quote","Get answers":"Get answers","Get answers to your questions by searching across the SOLIDWORKS community and support resources":"Get answers to your questions by searching across the SOLIDWORKS community and support resources","Get certified with extensive access to all certification preparation courses including CSWA, CSWP, CSWE and CSWPA":"Get certified with extensive access to all certification preparation courses including CSWA, CSWP, CSWE and CSWPA","Get started":"Get started","Get started with SOLIDWORKS":"Get started with SOLIDWORKS","Get support":"Get support","Get support and access product resources.":"Get support and access product resources.","Get support and access support and learning resources.":"Get support and access support and learning resources.","Get technical support and access a wide range of product resources":"Get technical support and access a wide range of product resources","Get technical support and access a wide range of support and learning resources.":"Get technical support and access a wide range of support and learning resources.","Get technical support and access a wide
range of support and learning resources.":"Get technical support and access a wide
range of support and learning resources.","Get the best answers to your questions about SOLIDWORKS from across the SOLIDWORKS community and support resources":"Get the best answers to your questions about SOLIDWORKS from across the SOLIDWORKS community and support resources","Get the essentials of SOLIDWORKS lessons":"Get the essentials of SOLIDWORKS lessons","Get up to speed on the latest skills":"Get up to speed on the latest skills","Getting Started":"Getting Started","Go to 3DEXPERIENCE Platform":"Go to 3DEXPERIENCE Platform","Go to CSWA<\/b> Exam Prep Course":"Go to CSWA<\/b> Exam Prep Course","Go to CSWP<\/b> Exam Prep Course":"Go to CSWP<\/b> Exam Prep Course","Go to the Forum":"Go to the Forum","Go to the MySolidWorks
Homepage<\/a>":"Go to the MySolidWorks Homepage<\/a>","Google Chrome":"Google Chrome","Graduation year is required.":"Graduation year is required.","Graphics cards, hardware, system requirements, and more.":"Graphics cards, hardware, system requirements, and more.","Green":"Green","Group":"Group","Guest":"Guest","HOURS":"HOURS","HOW TO BUY":"HOW TO BUY","HTTP response code:":"HTTP response code:","Have a question
or need help ?":"Have a question
or need help ?","Have a question or need help, please email us at:":"Have a question or need help, please email us at:","Have a question or need help?":"Have a question or need help?","Hear what our customers have to say ":"Hear what our customers have to say ","Hello! Here are some useful resources to get you going with SOLIDWORKS":"Hello! Here are some useful resources to get you going with SOLIDWORKS","Here are some basic tools for using SOLIDWORKS in a browser.":"Here are some basic tools for using SOLIDWORKS in a browser.","Hours left until trial is over":"Hours left until trial is over","How do I save my work?":"How do I save my work?","How fast should my internet be?":"How fast should my internet be?","Hundreds of Free Tutorials":"Hundreds of Free Tutorials","I accept the":"I accept the","I agree that no confidential information or data, personal data, production data, or trade secrets will be uploaded while using the SOLIDWORKS Online Preview. Any additional terms regarding these topics are not applicable.":"I agree that no confidential information or data, personal data, production data, or trade secrets will be uploaded while using the SOLIDWORKS Online Preview. Any additional terms regarding these topics are not applicable.","I agree that no confidential information or data, personal data, production data, or trade secrets will be uploaded while using the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial. Any additional terms regarding these topics are not applicable.":"I agree that no confidential information or data, personal data, production data, or trade secrets will be uploaded while using the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial. Any additional terms regarding these topics are not applicable.","I successfully created an account or I already have an account.":"I successfully created an account or I already have an account.","I understand the process and I'm ready to create my account.":"I understand the process and I'm ready to create my account.","Id":"Id","If I get disconnected while working, will I lose my work?":"If I get disconnected while working, will I lose my work?","If for any reason you get disconnected, the platform will preserve your session for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, you will be given a new instance and any unsaved work will be lost.":"If for any reason you get disconnected, the platform will preserve your session for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, you will be given a new instance and any unsaved work will be lost.","If not,":"If not,","If not, ":"If not, ","If not, take a moment to do it now.":"If not, take a moment to do it now.","If the error persists please contact DS Graphics at":"If the error persists please contact DS Graphics at","If you allow your streaming session to remain idle, it will automatically close after 30-minutes!<\/strong>":"If you allow your streaming session to remain idle, it will automatically close after 30-minutes!<\/strong>","If you are new to SOLIDWORKS, we recommend that you start with the
INTRODUCING SOLIDWORKS<\/a>":"If you are new to SOLIDWORKS, we recommend that you start with the INTRODUCING SOLIDWORKS<\/a>","If you are unable to access your online manual, please contact DS Graphics at":"If you are unable to access your online manual, please contact DS Graphics at","If you do not have a SOLIDWORKS ID or a 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID, click the Create ID button and complete the form that appears.":"If you do not have a SOLIDWORKS ID or a 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID, click the Create ID button and complete the form that appears.","If you get a message that your email address is already associated with another ID, click the Log In link at the bottom of the form. Reset your password if needed. ":"If you get a message that your email address is already associated with another ID, click the Log In link at the bottom of the form. Reset your password if needed. ","If you have any filters applied, try to remove some of them":"If you have any filters applied, try to remove some of them","If you receive any error messages or have any questions, please contact your reseller.":"If you receive any error messages or have any questions, please contact your reseller.","If you'd like more time to test drive SOLIDWORKS, please contact your reseller to request a full, 7-day SOLIDWORKS Online or Desktop evaluation. If you are not currently working with a reseller, one will be assigned to you.":"If you'd like more time to test drive SOLIDWORKS, please contact your reseller to request a full, 7-day SOLIDWORKS Online or Desktop evaluation. If you are not currently working with a reseller, one will be assigned to you.","Illegal extension. Allowed file types are .jpg and .png.":"Illegal extension. Allowed file types are .jpg and .png.","Image must be: 16:9 ratio (325x183px).":"Image must be: 16:9 ratio (325x183px).","Image type PNG or JPG":"Image type PNG or JPG","Import":"Import","Import events":"Import events","Import failed, Please try again.":"Import failed, Please try again.","Important information":"Important information","Important!":"Important!","Important:":"Important:","In Progress":"In Progress","In the Event ID\/Voucher code box enter the voucher number provided":"In the Event ID\/Voucher code box enter the voucher number provided","In the dialog box, click the file you want to download.":"In the dialog box, click the file you want to download.","Included with SOLIDWORKS subscription & SOLIDWORKS Term License":"Included with SOLIDWORKS subscription & SOLIDWORKS Term License","Included with an active Student Engineering Kit (SEK) and Student Edition (SWSE) Licenses":"Included with an active Student Engineering Kit (SEK) and Student Edition (SWSE) Licenses","Incorrect location!":"Incorrect location!","Increase the zoom level in your browser's settings to 100%. This setting is available in all supported browsers, but its location varies. In Google Chrome, for example, the zoom level is in the ":"Increase the zoom level in your browser's settings to 100%. This setting is available in all supported browsers, but its location varies. In Google Chrome, for example, the zoom level is in the ","Individual Lessons":"Individual Lessons","Install the software and create an account or login then select SOLIDWORKS from the brand selection screen":"Install the software and create an account or login then select SOLIDWORKS from the brand selection screen","Installation and administrative references including the Installation & Admin guides, Release Notes, What's New, and FlexLM (SNL) information.":"Installation and administrative references including the Installation & Admin guides, Release Notes, What's New, and FlexLM (SNL) information.","Installation and administrative references including the Installation and Administration guides, Release Notes, What's New, and FlexLM (SNL) information.":"Installation and administrative references including the Installation and Administration guides, Release Notes, What's New, and FlexLM (SNL) information.","Instantly begin your trial of SOLIDWORKS without installation or download":"Instantly begin your trial of SOLIDWORKS without installation or download","Instructions to create your MySolidWorks for Students Account":"Instructions to create your MySolidWorks for Students Account","Integrated design-to-manufacturing functionality to help build products faster":"Integrated design-to-manufacturing functionality to help build products faster","Integrated preview technology for your CAD files and office documents":"Integrated preview technology for your CAD files and office documents","Interest":"Interest","Internet Explorer 9 and above":"Internet Explorer 9 and above","Introducing 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE Marketplace | Make ":"Introducing 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE Marketplace | Make ","Introducing NEW SOLIDWORKS Self-Paced eCourses":"Introducing NEW SOLIDWORKS Self-Paced eCourses","Introduction to SOLIDWORKS":"Introduction to SOLIDWORKS","Intuitive Solutions for All Aspects of Your Design Process":"Intuitive Solutions for All Aspects of Your Design Process","Intuitive Solutions for All Aspects of your Design Process":"Intuitive Solutions for All Aspects of your Design Process","Invalid Phone Number":"Invalid Phone Number","Invalid URL":"Invalid URL","Invalid Year":"Invalid Year","Invalid character sequence detected.":"Invalid character sequence detected.","Invalid number of rows updated, id = ":"Invalid number of rows updated, id = ","Invalid request.":"Invalid request.","It is best viewed on an HTML5 browser on a desktop, or Chromebook or Tablet.":"It is best viewed on an HTML5 browser on a desktop, or Chromebook or Tablet.","It seems that you have requested something that isn't there. Please try a different search or filter combination.":"It seems that you have requested something that isn't there. Please try a different search or filter combination.","It's fast, easy, and completely confidential. Automated pricing is available to North American visitors":"It's fast, easy, and completely confidential. Automated pricing is available to North American visitors","I\u2019m seeing this error: ":"I\u2019m seeing this error: ","JOIN":"JOIN","Jan":"Jan","Join":"Join","Join Date":"Join Date","Join the 3 million users that chose SOLIDWORKS
because it helps them get their job done faster":"Join the 3 million users that chose SOLIDWORKS
because it helps them get their job done faster","Jul":"Jul","Jun":"Jun","Just 3 steps to your online trial":"Just 3 steps to your online trial","Just create your 3DEXPERIENCE log in so you can join other SOLIDWORKS users to get training, 3D models, access to resellers, and share your knowledge.":"Just create your 3DEXPERIENCE log in so you can join other SOLIDWORKS users to get training, 3D models, access to resellers, and share your knowledge.","Just log in with your 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID.":"Just log in with your 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID.","Just one more step!":"Just one more step!","Know a manufacturer but":"Know a manufacturer but","Know a manufacturer but don't see them listed? Let us know.":"Know a manufacturer but don't see them listed? Let us know.","Knowledge Base, SPR etc.":"Knowledge Base, SPR etc.","LOADING...":"LOADING...","LOG IN":"LOG IN","Language":"Language","Languages":"Languages","Last Edited":"Last Edited","Last Name":"Last Name","Last Query Date":"Last Query Date","Last Updated":"Last Updated","Last attempted update:":"Last attempted update:","Last successful update:":"Last successful update:","Last update error:":"Last update error:","Last used":"Last used","Latest version of SOLIDWORKS":"Latest version of SOLIDWORKS","Launch":"Launch","Launch Applications":"Launch Applications","Launch SOLIDWORKS":"Launch SOLIDWORKS","Launch in a separate window":"Launch in a separate window","Launch your SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta":"Launch your SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta","Launch your SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial":"Launch your SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial","Launch your SOLIDWORKS Streaming Session":"Launch your SOLIDWORKS Streaming Session","Launch your {{uin.swotcModel.productName}}":"Launch your {{uin.swotcModel.productName}}","Learn More":"Learn More","Learn more":"Learn more","Learn more ":"Learn more ","Learn more about support and Subscription Service.":"Learn more about support and Subscription Service.","Learn more about the 3DEXPERIENCE platform":"Learn more about the 3DEXPERIENCE platform","Learn more with SOLIDWORKS eCourses - comprehensive, self-paced, interactive learning":"Learn more with SOLIDWORKS eCourses - comprehensive, self-paced, interactive learning","Learn the fundamentals of SOLIDWORKS 3D design process":"Learn the fundamentals of SOLIDWORKS 3D design process","Learn with SOLIDWORKS Product Tutorial Videos":"Learn with SOLIDWORKS Product Tutorial Videos","Learning Paths":"Learning Paths","Learning Paths:":"Learning Paths:","Learning Type":"Learning Type","Length:":"Length:","Lesson Description":"Lesson Description","Lessons":"Lessons","Let us know.":"Let us know.","Let's go":"Let's go","Leverage the 3D geometric search technology of EXALEAD from inside SOLIDWORKS to access more than 50 million 3D CAD models from parts suppliers around the world":"Leverage the 3D geometric search technology of EXALEAD from inside SOLIDWORKS to access more than 50 million 3D CAD models from parts suppliers around the world","Leverage the 3D geometric search technology of EXALEAD from inside SOLIDWORKS to access more than 50 million 3D CAD models from parts suppliers around the world.":"Leverage the 3D geometric search technology of EXALEAD from inside SOLIDWORKS to access more than 50 million 3D CAD models from parts suppliers around the world.","Limited-time access to SOLIDWORKS in your browser as our response to COVID-19":"Limited-time access to SOLIDWORKS in your browser as our response to COVID-19","Link Dropbox Account":"Link Dropbox Account","Link Google Drive Account":"Link Google Drive Account","Link:":"Link:","Listen to customer testimonials about our qualified ecosystem of industrial manufacturing service providers":"Listen to customer testimonials about our qualified ecosystem of industrial manufacturing service providers","Listing of your seminars and webinars defined with the VAR Resource Center (VRC).":"Listing of your seminars and webinars defined with the VAR Resource Center (VRC).","Loading ...":"Loading ...","Loading Dropbox files and folders":"Loading Dropbox files and folders","Loading Google Drive files and folders":"Loading Google Drive files and folders","Loading...":"Loading...","Location":"Location","Location Status":"Location Status","Log In":"Log In","Log In Now":"Log In Now","Log in":"Log in","Log in ":"Log in ","Log in for access to MySolidWorks Drive":"Log in for access to MySolidWorks Drive","Log in here":"Log in here","Log in or join to discover professional training content from your SOLIDWORKS Reseller.":"Log in or join to discover professional training content from your SOLIDWORKS Reseller.","Log in or join to gain access to your Reseller\u2019s SOLIDWORKS events calendar.":"Log in or join to gain access to your Reseller\u2019s SOLIDWORKS events calendar.","Log in or join to get the latest news from your SOLIDWORKS Reseller.":"Log in or join to get the latest news from your SOLIDWORKS Reseller.","Log in or join to learn about professional support offered by your SOLIDWORKS Reseller.":"Log in or join to learn about professional support offered by your SOLIDWORKS Reseller.","Log in to Register":"Log in to Register","Log in to continue":"Log in to continue","Log in to see your Reseller's content":"Log in to see your Reseller's content","Log in with your SOLIDWORKS ID":"Log in with your SOLIDWORKS ID","Log in\/Create Account":"Log in\/Create Account","Log out":"Log out","Logging In":"Logging In","MBD":"MBD","MINUTES":"MINUTES","Make sure you have your 24-digit SOLIDWORKS serial # (this can be found in SOLIDWORKS desktop under 'Help' -> 'About SOLIDWORKS')":"Make sure you have your 24-digit SOLIDWORKS serial # (this can be found in SOLIDWORKS desktop under 'Help' -> 'About SOLIDWORKS')","Manage Permissions":"Manage Permissions","Manufacturer":"Manufacturer","Manufacturer Information":"Manufacturer Information","Manufacturer Registration":"Manufacturer Registration","Manufacturer name: Website:":"Manufacturer name: Website:","Manufacturers":"Manufacturers","Manufacturing Network":"Manufacturing Network","Manufacturing Network Company Profile":"Manufacturing Network Company Profile","Manufacturing Network | MySolidWorks":"Manufacturing Network | MySolidWorks","Mar":"Mar","Marie Planchard":"Marie Planchard","Marie Planchard is Director of the Education Community, SolidWorks. She is responsible for global development of curricula, content and social outreach for the SolidWorks educational products across all levels of academia.":"Marie Planchard is Director of the Education Community, SolidWorks. She is responsible for global development of curricula, content and social outreach for the SolidWorks educational products across all levels of academia.","Maximum feeds entered.":"Maximum feeds entered.","Maximum news items entered.":"Maximum news items entered.","May":"May","Message":"Message","Message:":"Message:","Minutes (m)":"Minutes (m)","Molding":"Molding","More filter settings are selected than what is shown. Click to open the filter settings to review.":"More filter settings are selected than what is shown. Click to open the filter settings to review.","Move":"Move","Mozilla Firefox":"Mozilla Firefox","Must match email address entered above":"Must match email address entered above","Must match serial number entered above":"Must match serial number entered above","My 3DEXPERIENCE Private Beta":"My 3DEXPERIENCE Private Beta","My Bookmarks":"My Bookmarks","My Costing Templates \u2013 Beta":"My Costing Templates \u2013 Beta","My Files":"My Files","My Profile":"My Profile","My Reseller":"My Reseller","My Reseller - Admin":"My Reseller - Admin","My Reseller | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller | MySolidWorks","My Reseller-Documents | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller-Documents | MySolidWorks","My Reseller-Events | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller-Events | MySolidWorks","My Reseller-Feeds | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller-Feeds | MySolidWorks","My Reseller-Groups | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller-Groups | MySolidWorks","My Reseller-News | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller-News | MySolidWorks","My Reseller-Profile | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller-Profile | MySolidWorks","My Reseller-Users | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller-Users | MySolidWorks","My Reseller-Videos | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller-Videos | MySolidWorks","My Reseller-Webinars | MySolidWorks":"My Reseller-Webinars | MySolidWorks","My SRs, SPRs and products. Subscription Service required.":"My SRs, SPRs and products. Subscription Service required.","My SRs, SPRs and products.Subscription Service required.":"My SRs, SPRs and products.Subscription Service required.","My Support":"My Support","My Training":"My Training","My Value-Added Reseller (VAR)":"My Value-Added Reseller (VAR)","MyReseller":"MyReseller","MySolidWorks":"MySolidWorks","MySolidWorks - Official SOLIDWORKS Community":"MySolidWorks - Official SOLIDWORKS Community","MySolidWorks + 3DEXPERIENCE":"MySolidWorks + 3DEXPERIENCE","MySolidWorks + 3DEXPERIENCE...":"MySolidWorks + 3DEXPERIENCE...","MySolidWorks - get the best answers to your questions about SOLIDWORKS":"MySolidWorks - get the best answers to your questions about SOLIDWORKS","MySolidWorks Account Information":"MySolidWorks Account Information","MySolidWorks Account Types":"MySolidWorks Account Types","MySolidWorks Benefits":"MySolidWorks Benefits","MySolidWorks Drive":"MySolidWorks Drive","MySolidWorks Feedback":"MySolidWorks Feedback","MySolidWorks Learning Paths bundle individual lessons by topic. Learning paths direct you through various lessons to help you get a complete understanding of the SOLIDWORKS topics.":"MySolidWorks Learning Paths bundle individual lessons by topic. Learning paths direct you through various lessons to help you get a complete understanding of the SOLIDWORKS topics.","MySolidWorks Learning Paths bundle individual lessons by topic. Learning paths direct you through various lessons to help you get a complete understanding of the SOLIDWORKS topics.":"MySolidWorks Learning Paths bundle individual lessons by topic. Learning paths direct you through various lessons to help you get a complete understanding of the SOLIDWORKS topics.","MySolidWorks Lessons are individual learning modules consisting of explanations, videos, and quizzes to help you learn at your own pace. Choose from hundreds of lessons created by SOLIDWORKS experts.":"MySolidWorks Lessons are individual learning modules consisting of explanations, videos, and quizzes to help you learn at your own pace. Choose from hundreds of lessons created by SOLIDWORKS experts.","MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network gives you a simple way to find and connect with reliable manufacturers. It's easy to request a quote (RFQ) from any manufacturer directly from the MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network.":"MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network gives you a simple way to find and connect with reliable manufacturers. It's easy to request a quote (RFQ) from any manufacturer directly from the MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network.","MySolidWorks Plus":"MySolidWorks Plus","MySolidWorks Plus and MySolidWorks Professional":"MySolidWorks Plus and MySolidWorks Professional","MySolidWorks Professional":"MySolidWorks Professional","MySolidWorks Professional Serial #":"MySolidWorks Professional Serial #","MySolidWorks Professional Serial # is invalid, please contact your Administrator.":"MySolidWorks Professional Serial # is invalid, please contact your Administrator.","MySolidWorks Training":"MySolidWorks Training","MySolidWorks eCourses are complete courses converted from the SOLIDWORKS instructor-led training manuals into self-paced eLearning. These courses employ professional-quality design, guided practice, offline exercises, and highly interactive content.":"MySolidWorks eCourses are complete courses converted from the SOLIDWORKS instructor-led training manuals into self-paced eLearning. These courses employ professional-quality design, guided practice, offline exercises, and highly interactive content.","MySolidWorks for Students":"MySolidWorks for Students","MySolidWorks gives SOLIDWORKS users one place to go to find resources and expertise from the entire SOLIDWORKS community, letting them connect, discover and share SOLIDWORKS resources.":"MySolidWorks gives SOLIDWORKS users one place to go to find resources and expertise from the entire SOLIDWORKS community, letting them connect, discover and share SOLIDWORKS resources.","MySolidWorks lets you connect, discover and share everything SOLIDWORKS in one seamless experience.":"MySolidWorks lets you connect, discover and share everything SOLIDWORKS in one seamless experience.","Name":"Name","Name A-Z":"Name A-Z","Name Z-A":"Name Z-A","Narrow By":"Narrow By","Narrow By:":"Narrow By:","Need a 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID? Create one now":"Need a 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID? Create one now","Need a 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID? Create one now.":"Need a 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID? Create one now.","Need help with MySolidWorks?":"Need help with MySolidWorks?","Need technical support?":"Need technical support?","New Login Page ... Same ID":"New Login Page ... Same ID","Newest":"Newest","News":"News","No":"No","No Reseller data found.":"No Reseller data found.","No WebGL detected. The eDrawings preview is unavailable":"No WebGL detected. The eDrawings preview is unavailable","No download or installation required":"No download or installation required","No events are scheduled for the selected month.":"No events are scheduled for the selected month.","No news has been added.":"No news has been added.","No results found for":"No results found for","No results found for ":"No results found for ","Non-transferrable. Access to an eBook cannot be transferred to another user.":"Non-transferrable. Access to an eBook cannot be transferred to another user.","Not Logged In":"Not Logged In","Not Started":"Not Started","Not a valid email address":"Not a valid email address","Not now, thanks":"Not now, thanks","Note to users:":"Note to users:","Note: ":"Note: ","Note: During the MySolidWorks Drive Beta, all files and folders shared are public on the web. Do not share if you want the files to remain private.":"Note: During the MySolidWorks Drive Beta, all files and folders shared are public on the web. Do not share if you want the files to remain private.","Note: SOLIDWORKS does not provide RSS feed support and can remove a feed at any time.":"Note: SOLIDWORKS does not provide RSS feed support and can remove a feed at any time.","Note: SOLIDWORKS online trial will not launch if you have an ad blocker enabled on your web browser.":"Note: SOLIDWORKS online trial will not launch if you have an ad blocker enabled on your web browser.","Note: You must register or log in with the email address you provided for the evaluation request.":"Note: You must register or log in with the email address you provided for the evaluation request.","Note: Your browser does not support WebGL. You will not be able to view CAD files in eDrawings.":"Note: Your browser does not support WebGL. You will not be able to view CAD files in eDrawings.","Notes:":"Notes:","Nov":"Nov","Now you can access a library of self-paced, high-quality, interactive eCourses that lets you learn on your terms. SOLIDWORKS eCourses are available for purchase as a three month subscription through your reseller.":"Now you can access a library of self-paced, high-quality, interactive eCourses that lets you learn on your terms. SOLIDWORKS eCourses are available for purchase as a three month subscription through your reseller.","Number of items found:":"Number of items found:","OK":"OK","ONLINE TRIAL":"ONLINE TRIAL","Oct":"Oct","Offline Access: You must have internet access when you open the eBook to contact the activation server. Once the eBook is open, you no longer need internet access to read the eBook":"Offline Access: You must have internet access when you open the eBook to contact the activation server. Once the eBook is open, you no longer need internet access to read the eBook","Oldest":"Oldest","On":"On","On the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform":"On the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform","Once you reach the page that says \"Your Account Has Been Successfully Activated\", please come back to this page and click on the blue \"Log in to Register\" button at the bottom of the page, or go to and log in via the link in the upper right side of the page.":"Once you reach the page that says \"Your Account Has Been Successfully Activated\", please come back to this page and click on the blue \"Log in to Register\" button at the bottom of the page, or go to and log in via the link in the upper right side of the page.","OnePart Supply":"OnePart Supply","Online Content":"Online Content","Online Training":"Online Training","Online Trial":"Online Trial","Online Trial Analytics":"Online Trial Analytics","Online Trials":"Online Trials","Online help, administration guides, and more.":"Online help, administration guides, and more.","Online offers":"Online offers","Online storage, content sharing &
preview, team collaboration, and more.":"Online storage, content sharing &
preview, team collaboration, and more.","Oops! You need an active MySolidWorks Standard subscription before you can participate in the Private Beta program.":"Oops! You need an active MySolidWorks Standard subscription before you can participate in the Private Beta program.","Open File":"Open File","Open a new window to reply to this article":"Open a new window to reply to this article","Open in Forum":"Open in Forum","Open item(s) that have been bookmarked":"Open item(s) that have been bookmarked","Open the article in a new window":"Open the article in a new window","Optimize your Collaboration Process ":"Optimize your Collaboration Process ","Optional":"Optional","Orange":"Orange","Organize team and project work in dashboards":"Organize team and project work in dashboards","Our resellers provided the highest level of service. Including product training, startup services, and ongoing support":"Our resellers provided the highest level of service. Including product training, startup services, and ongoing support","Over 1000+ Product Tutorial Videos let you learn SOLIDWORKS on your own schedule, at your own pace \u2013 anytime, anywhere, on any device":"Over 1000+ Product Tutorial Videos let you learn SOLIDWORKS on your own schedule, at your own pace \u2013 anytime, anywhere, on any device","Over 600+ Product Tutorial Videos let you learn SOLIDWORKS on your own schedule, at your own pace \u2013 anytime, anywhere, on any device":"Over 600+ Product Tutorial Videos let you learn SOLIDWORKS on your own schedule, at your own pace \u2013 anytime, anywhere, on any device","PNG or JPG format, and less than 500k":"PNG or JPG format, and less than 500k","Page":"Page","Part":"Part","Part Modeling":"Part Modeling","Password":"Password","Pending Profile":"Pending Profile","Perform a new search":"Perform a new search","Phone":"Phone","Phone Number":"Phone Number","Phone Number format is 111-222-3333":"Phone Number format is 111-222-3333","Phone:":"Phone:","Playlist Catalog":"Playlist Catalog","Please
follow the instructions to activate your MySolidWorks subscription<\/a>, and then try again.":"Please follow the instructions to activate your MySolidWorks subscription<\/a>, and then try again.","Please Note":"Please Note","Please contact DS Graphics at":"Please contact DS Graphics at","Please contact your reseller to re-purchase this course.":"Please contact your reseller to re-purchase this course.","Please create an account or login to MySolidWorks and gain access to 700+ hours of training content!":"Please create an account or login to MySolidWorks and gain access to 700+ hours of training content!","Please enter a valid 24 character Student Serial #.":"Please enter a valid 24 character Student Serial #.","Please enter a valid email address.":"Please enter a valid email address.","Please enter a valid phone number.":"Please enter a valid phone number.","Please input your phone number with country code":"Please input your phone number with country code","Please log in to browse results for SPR and Knowledge Base.":"Please log in to browse results for SPR and Knowledge Base.","Please log in to check your bookmarks.":"Please log in to check your bookmarks.","Please note: you will not be able to register your previously entered Student Serial # if you choose to proceed.":"Please note: you will not be able to register your previously entered Student Serial # if you choose to proceed.","Please read all the instructions below carefully and then click on the red \"Create Account\"<\/b> button at this bottom of this page to get started. You can refer back to the instructions below as you move through the account creation process.":"Please read all the instructions below carefully and then click on the red \"Create Account\"<\/b> button at this bottom of this page to get started. You can refer back to the instructions below as you move through the account creation process.","Please select .SLDCTS file only.":"Please select .SLDCTS file only.","Please send us your comments or share an idea. We appreciate your feedback and support.":"Please send us your comments or share an idea. We appreciate your feedback and support.","Please try again.":"Please try again.","Please try it again later.":"Please try it again later.","Please update and submit your profile.":"Please update and submit your profile.","Please update your profile to continue":"Please update your profile to continue","Please use the form below to let us know of a manufacturer who you worked with and who supports SOLIDWORKS design files and data but is not listed in our network.":"Please use the form below to let us know of a manufacturer who you worked with and who supports SOLIDWORKS design files and data but is not listed in our network.","Please use the form below to send us your comments or share an idea. We appreciate your feedback and support.":"Please use the form below to send us your comments or share an idea. We appreciate your feedback and support.","Please verify your email and book serial number and try again.":"Please verify your email and book serial number and try again.","Please wait while SOLIDWORKS is initializing":"Please wait while SOLIDWORKS is initializing","Post feedback in MySolidWorks forum":"Post feedback in MySolidWorks forum","Post my feedback in the MySolidWorks forum":"Post my feedback in the MySolidWorks forum","Postal Code":"Postal Code","Powered By:":"Powered By:","Powerful and easy-to-use design tools":"Powerful and easy-to-use design tools","Preview, comment and markup your CAD files with integrated 3D eDrawings technology":"Preview, comment and markup your CAD files with integrated 3D eDrawings technology","Prior to downloading or installing the software, please take some time to read through the information listed below":"Prior to downloading or installing the software, please take some time to read through the information listed below","Privacy":"Privacy","Process-driven solutions keep the focus on big picture":"Process-driven solutions keep the focus on big picture","Processes":"Processes","Processing...":"Processing...","Product":"Product","Product Name":"Product Name","Product Pricing":"Product Pricing","Product Support":"Product Support","Product\/Role:":"Product\/Role:","Product:":"Product:","Professional":"Professional","Profile can't be updated when status is Pending.":"Profile can't be updated when status is Pending.","Progress":"Progress","Promote your services and":"Promote your services and","Promote your services and respond to requests for quotes":"Promote your services and respond to requests for quotes","Prospect name":"Prospect name","Public\/Private":"Public\/Private","Purchase Course":"Purchase Course","Purchase SOLIDWORKS today":"Purchase SOLIDWORKS today","Put image here":"Put image here","Query Language":"Query Language","Query Term":"Query Term","Query count":"Query count","Question:":"Question:","Questions about SOLIDWORKS Product Trial":"Questions about SOLIDWORKS Product Trial","Quick Response for Questions and Needs with Real-World Experience":"Quick Response for Questions and Needs with Real-World Experience","Quick Start Guide":"Quick Start Guide","Quick Tour":"Quick Tour","Quick response for questions and needs with real-world experience from your reseller.":"Quick response for questions and needs with real-world experience from your reseller.","Quote Via:":"Quote Via:","Quote request via MySolidWorks":"Quote request via MySolidWorks","READ NOW":"READ NOW","RSS URL:":"RSS URL:","Re-type Book Serial Number:":"Re-type Book Serial Number:","Re-type Email:":"Re-type Email:","Re-type Password":"Re-type Password","Read our FAQ":"Read our FAQ","Read the Online Help - View SOLIDWORKS related documentation online":"Read the Online Help - View SOLIDWORKS related documentation online","Read the Privacy Policy and ":"Read the Privacy Policy and ","Ready to get started? Sign up today":"Ready to get started? Sign up today","Ready to log in?":"Ready to log in?","Recommend":"Recommend","Recommend a Manufacturer":"Recommend a Manufacturer","Recommended browsers: Chrome and Firefox":"Recommended browsers: Chrome and Firefox","Record Inserted Successfully":"Record Inserted Successfully","Refresh":"Refresh","Register":"Register","Register My Product":"Register My Product","Register Your Professional Serial #":"Register Your Professional Serial #","Register Your Student Serial #":"Register Your Student Serial #","Register for Manufacturing Network":"Register for Manufacturing Network","Register to access MySolidWorks Professional":"Register to access MySolidWorks Professional","Register to access MySolidWorks for Student Account!":"Register to access MySolidWorks for Student Account!","Register your SOLIDWORKS Serial # on active subscription for access to MySolidWorks Standard and unlock 600+ Online Product Tutorial videos including CSWA Certification Prep":"Register your SOLIDWORKS Serial # on active subscription for access to MySolidWorks Standard and unlock 600+ Online Product Tutorial videos including CSWA Certification Prep","Register your SOLIDWORKS serial number to gain access.":"Register your SOLIDWORKS serial number to gain access.","Register your serial number for access to MySolidWorks Standard and the":"Register your serial number for access to MySolidWorks Standard and the","Register your serial number for access to MySolidWorks Standard and the SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta":"Register your serial number for access to MySolidWorks Standard and the SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta","Registration Date":"Registration Date","Registration required":"Registration required","Registration timeline: You can register an eBook for up to 3 years after the book is sold to the reseller.":"Registration timeline: You can register an eBook for up to 3 years after the book is sold to the reseller.","Related Classroom Training:":"Related Classroom Training:","Relevance":"Relevance","Reminder about your Trial":"Reminder about your Trial","Remove":"Remove","Remove Bookmark":"Remove Bookmark","Remove Learning Path":"Remove Learning Path","Remove Lesson":"Remove Lesson","Remove attachment":"Remove attachment","Remove eCourse":"Remove eCourse","Remove feed":"Remove feed","Remove from My Training":"Remove from My Training","Remove news item":"Remove news item","Rename":"Rename","Rename File":"Rename File","Rename Folder":"Rename Folder","Reply":"Reply","Reported Errors":"Reported Errors","Request Parameters:":"Request Parameters:","Request a quote":"Request a quote","Request a quote with manufacturers":"Request a quote with manufacturers","Request a quote. ":"Request a quote. ","Request a trial":"Request a trial","Requests":"Requests","Requires SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service":"Requires SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service","Reseller":"Reseller","Reseller Administration":"Reseller Administration","Reseller Name:":"Reseller Name:","Reseller contact":"Reseller contact","Reset feed":"Reset feed","Results Count":"Results Count","Return here to log in.":"Return here to log in.","Revise":"Revise","Revise Profile":"Revise Profile","Revise manufacturer":"Revise manufacturer","SECONDS":"SECONDS","SOLIDWORKS":"SOLIDWORKS","SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta Expired":"SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta Expired","SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta requires active subscription":"SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta requires active subscription","SOLIDWORKS 2019 SP4 Early Visibility | MySolidWorks":"SOLIDWORKS 2019 SP4 Early Visibility | MySolidWorks","SOLIDWORKS 2021 Online ALPHA | MySolidWorks":"SOLIDWORKS 2021 Online ALPHA | MySolidWorks","SOLIDWORKS FAQ | MySolidWorks":"SOLIDWORKS FAQ | MySolidWorks","SOLIDWORKS Installation and Administration Guide":"SOLIDWORKS Installation and Administration Guide","SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial":"SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial","SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial - try SOLIDWORKS anytime, anywhere, on any device\u2026no install required":"SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial - try SOLIDWORKS anytime, anywhere, on any device\u2026no install required","SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial is currently experiencing some technical difficulties.":"SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial is currently experiencing some technical difficulties.","SOLIDWORKS Online Student Edition":"SOLIDWORKS Online Student Edition","SOLIDWORKS Online Trial":"SOLIDWORKS Online Trial","SOLIDWORKS PDM Installation Guide":"SOLIDWORKS PDM Installation Guide","SOLIDWORKS PDM Release Notes":"SOLIDWORKS PDM Release Notes","SOLIDWORKS PRODUCT TRIAL":"SOLIDWORKS PRODUCT TRIAL","SOLIDWORKS Product Trial":"SOLIDWORKS Product Trial","SOLIDWORKS Product Trial Frequently Asked Questions":"SOLIDWORKS Product Trial Frequently Asked Questions","SOLIDWORKS Product Trial | MySolidWorks":"SOLIDWORKS Product Trial | MySolidWorks","SOLIDWORKS Quick Start Guide":"SOLIDWORKS Quick Start Guide","SOLIDWORKS Release Notes":"SOLIDWORKS Release Notes","SOLIDWORKS SELECT Partner Product Activation requires an active SOLIDWORKS Subscription. ":"SOLIDWORKS SELECT Partner Product Activation requires an active SOLIDWORKS Subscription. ","SOLIDWORKS Sales":"SOLIDWORKS Sales","SOLIDWORKS Standalone Installation Guide":"SOLIDWORKS Standalone Installation Guide","SOLIDWORKS Support":"SOLIDWORKS Support","SOLIDWORKS Training":"SOLIDWORKS Training","SOLIDWORKS Trials\tare intended for commercial users evaluating for purchase consideration only.":"SOLIDWORKS Trials\tare intended for commercial users evaluating for purchase consideration only.","SOLIDWORKS User Forum":"SOLIDWORKS User Forum","SOLIDWORKS Value Added Reseller":"SOLIDWORKS Value Added Reseller","SOLIDWORKS account?":"SOLIDWORKS account?","SOLIDWORKS certifications can be used as a benchmark to measure your knowledge and competency with SOLIDWORKS. The exams focus on the fundamental skills necessary to ensure your success.":"SOLIDWORKS certifications can be used as a benchmark to measure your knowledge and competency with SOLIDWORKS. The exams focus on the fundamental skills necessary to ensure your success.","SOLIDWORKS eDrawings Installation and Administration Guide":"SOLIDWORKS eDrawings Installation and Administration Guide","SOLIDWORKS eDrawings Release Notes":"SOLIDWORKS eDrawings Release Notes","SOLIDWORKS enables organizations to speed each stage of the product development cycle by allowing all disciplines to work concurrently, from concept all the way through to manufacturing. It includes:":"SOLIDWORKS enables organizations to speed each stage of the product development cycle by allowing all disciplines to work concurrently, from concept all the way through to manufacturing. It includes:","SOLIDWORKS experts are available to answer your questions and discuss your project needs":"SOLIDWORKS experts are available to answer your questions and discuss your project needs","SOLIDWORKS file format compatibility":"SOLIDWORKS file format compatibility","SOLIDWORKS for Students Anywhere, Anytime":"SOLIDWORKS for Students Anywhere, Anytime","SOLIDWORKS in the browser runs inside your Web browser.":"SOLIDWORKS in the browser runs inside your Web browser.","SOLIDWORKS is leveraging the latest technology to deliver you incredible 3D software over the internet. With that in mind, we do suggest using this with a broadband connection of at least 3000\/300 Kbps (Download\/Upload). For best experience, we have found 5000\/500 Kbps to be ideal for 1920x1080 resolution. For an acceptable experience, a minimum of 1000\/100 is as low as a user should go.":"SOLIDWORKS is leveraging the latest technology to deliver you incredible 3D software over the internet. With that in mind, we do suggest using this with a broadband connection of at least 3000\/300 Kbps (Download\/Upload). For best experience, we have found 5000\/500 Kbps to be ideal for 1920x1080 resolution. For an acceptable experience, a minimum of 1000\/100 is as low as a user should go.","SOLIDWORKS online trial will not launch if you have an ad blocker enabled on your web browser":"SOLIDWORKS online trial will not launch if you have an ad blocker enabled on your web browser","SOLIDWORKS product tutorial videos":"SOLIDWORKS product tutorial videos","SOLIDWORKS training courses can help you achieve your goals, whether you want to improve your skills, resume training, or learn how to use SOLIDWORKS tools for the first time. MySolidWorks gives you access to training files and manuals for instructor led classes you have taken.":"SOLIDWORKS training courses can help you achieve your goals, whether you want to improve your skills, resume training, or learn how to use SOLIDWORKS tools for the first time. MySolidWorks gives you access to training files and manuals for instructor led classes you have taken.","SOLIDWORKS® 3D CAD software delivers powerful design functionality with the intuitive SOLIDWORKS user interface to speed your design process and make you instantly productive.":"SOLIDWORKS® 3D CAD software delivers powerful design functionality with the intuitive SOLIDWORKS user interface to speed your design process and make you instantly productive.","SPR #:":"SPR #:","Sales Demo Analytics":"Sales Demo Analytics","Sample Files":"Sample Files","Sample files:":"Sample files:","Save changes":"Save changes","Save the files in Home Folder.":"Save the files in Home Folder.","Save your work to Dropbox and continue your trial on another machine":"Save your work to Dropbox and continue your trial on another machine","School Name":"School Name","School Name is required.":"School Name is required.","School Website URL":"School Website URL","Screen resolution":"Screen resolution","Scroll to bottom to retrieve new page":"Scroll to bottom to retrieve new page","Search":"Search","Search Analytics":"Search Analytics","Search Blogs":"Search Blogs","Search Blogs, Forums, Online Help, KB Solutions, and more.":"Search Blogs, Forums, Online Help, KB Solutions, and more.","Search CAD Models":"Search CAD Models","Search Everything":"Search Everything","Search Forums":"Search Forums","Search Manufacturers":"Search Manufacturers","Search MyReseller":"Search MyReseller","Search Support":"Search Support","Search Technical Sessions":"Search Technical Sessions","Search Terms":"Search Terms","Search Training":"Search Training","Search hits":"Search hits","Search results from your query.":"Search results from your query.","Search seamlessly across the SOLIDWORKS community and support resources to get answers to your questions.":"Search seamlessly across the SOLIDWORKS community and support resources to get answers to your questions.","Search supplier databases based on geometry or metadata":"Search supplier databases based on geometry or metadata","Searching for a better way to collaborate with clients, partners and engineering?":"Searching for a better way to collaborate with clients, partners and engineering?","See Certifications":"See Certifications","Select":"Select","Select Language":"Select Language","Select a location:":"Select a location:","Select language to launch":"Select language to launch","Select server":"Select server","Send":"Send","Send Email":"Send Email","Send a request to someone else from %s<\/strong> to become the manager. (coming soon)":"Send a request to someone else from %s<\/strong> to become the manager. (coming soon)","Sending email!":"Sending email!","Sent On:":"Sent On:","Sep":"Sep","Serial Number Registration":"Serial Number Registration","Session usage":"Session usage","Settings":"Settings","Share a file":"Share a file","Share a folder":"Share a folder","Share and collaborate":"Share and collaborate","Share and showcase your talents: upload CAD Designs and build your profile":"Share and showcase your talents: upload CAD Designs and build your profile","Share large files via Dropbox and Google Drive":"Share large files via Dropbox and Google Drive","Share large files with customers, suppliers and coworkers.":"Share large files with customers, suppliers and coworkers.","Share on Facebook":"Share on Facebook","Share on Google+":"Share on Google+","Share on LinkedIn":"Share on LinkedIn","Share this article with others":"Share this article with others","Share via email":"Share via email","Share your session and get questions answered by your SOLIDWORKS reseller":"Share your session and get questions answered by your SOLIDWORKS reseller","Share, sync, search and access content":"Share, sync, search and access content","Sheet Metal":"Sheet Metal","Show All":"Show All","Show support options and resources based on product.":"Show support options and resources based on product.","Sign In":"Sign In","Sign Up":"Sign Up","Signing up for a SOLIDWORKS ID":"Signing up for a SOLIDWORKS ID","Simplify your search terms":"Simplify your search terms","Simulation":"Simulation","Single user license. eBooks can be viewed by a single user on up to three devices.":"Single user license. eBooks can be viewed by a single user on up to three devices.","Size":"Size","Solution ID:":"Solution ID:","Some people might need to:":"Some people might need to:","Sorry, you do not have any sessions left to use Mf2 instance":"Sorry, you do not have any sessions left to use Mf2 instance","Sorry, you don't have permission to see that item, id = ":"Sorry, you don't have permission to see that item, id = ","Sort":"Sort","Sort by":"Sort by","Stack trace:":"Stack trace:","Standard":"Standard","Start date":"Start date","Start the CSWA and CSWP Exam Prep Course Today!":"Start the CSWA and CSWP Exam Prep Course Today!","Starts":"Starts","State":"State","State\/Province":"State\/Province","Status":"Status","Status:":"Status:","Stay connected with your reseller \u2013 technical content at your fingertips":"Stay connected with your reseller \u2013 technical content at your fingertips","Step 1":"Step 1","Step 2":"Step 2","Storage Used":"Storage Used","Store, sync, share, search and access your content from anywhere, anytime on any device":"Store, sync, share, search and access your content from anywhere, anytime on any device","Streaming":"Streaming","Student":"Student","Student Registration":"Student Registration","Student Serial #":"Student Serial #","Student Serial # is required.":"Student Serial # is required.","Students are not eligible for trials. Visit the Student Store to learn more about SOLIDWORKS Student Edition.":"Students are not eligible for trials. Visit the Student Store to learn more about SOLIDWORKS Student Edition.","Students with a valid student serial number can get access to MySolidWorks!":"Students with a valid student serial number can get access to MySolidWorks!","Sub-Area:":"Sub-Area:","Subject":"Subject","Subject:":"Subject:","Submit":"Submit","Submit Changes":"Submit Changes","Subscription Service is required for full access. E.g. ":"Subscription Service is required for full access. E.g. ","Subscription expiration:":"Subscription expiration:","Subscription level":"Subscription level","Successfull!!":"Successfull!!","Suggestions:":"Suggestions:","Support":"Support","Support News":"Support News","Support | MySolidWorks":"Support | MySolidWorks","Switch to an ethernet-wired instead of wireless connection.":"Switch to an ethernet-wired instead of wireless connection.","System Requirements":"System Requirements","TERMS OF USE":"TERMS OF USE","TIP: Drag and drop files from your local Windows Explorer to the Home Folder (or sub folders you create) once in My Files. Files uploaded here are available to open via This PC > Home Folder":"TIP: Drag and drop files from your local Windows Explorer to the Home Folder (or sub folders you create) once in My Files. Files uploaded here are available to open via This PC > Home Folder","Tags":"Tags","Technical Comments:":"Technical Comments:","Technical Communications":"Technical Communications","Technical Sessions":"Technical Sessions","Term":"Term","Terms and Conditions":"Terms and Conditions","Terms for Contributed Content":"Terms for Contributed Content","Terms of Use":"Terms of Use","Test Drive SOLIDWORKS":"Test Drive SOLIDWORKS","Test Drive SOLIDWORKS — Anywhere, Anytime":"Test Drive SOLIDWORKS — Anywhere, Anytime","Test Drive SOLIDWORKS Anywhere, Anytime":"Test Drive SOLIDWORKS Anywhere, Anytime","Test Drive SOLIDWORKS Anywhere, Anytime.":"Test Drive SOLIDWORKS Anywhere, Anytime.","Test drive SOLIDWORKS anywhere, anytime.":"Test drive SOLIDWORKS anywhere, anytime.","Test drive SOLIDWORKS now — no waiting, no installation required":"Test drive SOLIDWORKS now — no waiting, no installation required","Test drive SOLIDWORKS with pre-loaded exercise files":"Test drive SOLIDWORKS with pre-loaded exercise files","Test your knowledge with quizzes after each lesson":"Test your knowledge with quizzes after each lesson","Test {{uin.swotcModel.productName}} anywhere, anytime":"Test {{uin.swotcModel.productName}} anywhere, anytime","Thank you":"Thank you","Thank you for registering with the MySolidWorks Manufacturing Partner Network.":"Thank you for registering with the MySolidWorks Manufacturing Partner Network.","Thank you for test driving the Beta program":"Thank you for test driving the Beta program","Thank you for testing the Service Pack before general release":"Thank you for testing the Service Pack before general release","Thank you for using MySolidWorks. An email with instructions on how to access your online manual has been sent to the email address you provided.":"Thank you for using MySolidWorks. An email with instructions on how to access your online manual has been sent to the email address you provided.","Thank you for your feedback!":"Thank you for your feedback!","Thank you for your feedback! Your information has been submitted and will be reviewed by the MySolidWorks team.":"Thank you for your feedback! Your information has been submitted and will be reviewed by the MySolidWorks team.","Thank you for your interest in ":"Thank you for your interest in ","Thank you for your interest in SOLIDWORKS Premium":"Thank you for your interest in SOLIDWORKS Premium","Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS.":"Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS.","Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS. SOLIDWORKS Premium is a comprehensive 3D design solution that adds powerful simulation and design validation to the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS Professional, as well as ECAD\/MCAD collaboration, reverse engineering, and advanced wire and pipe routing functionality.":"Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS. SOLIDWORKS Premium is a comprehensive 3D design solution that adds powerful simulation and design validation to the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS Professional, as well as ECAD\/MCAD collaboration, reverse engineering, and advanced wire and pipe routing functionality.","Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS. The SOLIDWORKS Beta 2017 is best viewed on an HTML5 browser on a desktop, or Chromebook or Tablet.":"Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS. The SOLIDWORKS Beta 2017 is best viewed on an HTML5 browser on a desktop, or Chromebook or Tablet.","Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS. The SOLIDWORKS Premium trial is best viewed on an HTML5 browser on a desktop, or Chromebook or Tablet.":"Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS. The SOLIDWORKS Premium trial is best viewed on an HTML5 browser on a desktop, or Chromebook or Tablet.","Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS. The SOLIDWORKS trial is best viewed on an HTML5 browser like Google Chrome using a desktop\/laptop.":"Thank you for your interest in evaluating SOLIDWORKS. The SOLIDWORKS trial is best viewed on an HTML5 browser like Google Chrome using a desktop\/laptop.","Thank you for your interest in the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial.":"Thank you for your interest in the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial.","Thank you for your recommendation!":"Thank you for your recommendation!","Thanks for providing your email address.":"Thanks for providing your email address.","The Recent Documents <\/strong> list in the SOLIDWORKS software is pre-populated with files. Press R <\/strong> to access the Recent Documents<\/strong> list.":"The Recent Documents <\/strong> list in the SOLIDWORKS software is pre-populated with files. Press R <\/strong> to access the Recent Documents<\/strong> list.","The Make Service provides you with a direct connection with leading rapid response suppliers with proven track records in delivering professional parts across all manufacturing processes":"The Make Service provides you with a direct connection with leading rapid response suppliers with proven track records in delivering professional parts across all manufacturing processes","The MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network is now 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE Marketplace | Make. The most seamless way to get your parts made and collaborate with leading digital manufacturers worldwide. ":"The MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network is now 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE Marketplace | Make. The most seamless way to get your parts made and collaborate with leading digital manufacturers worldwide. ","The SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta Trial is no longer available":"The SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta Trial is no longer available","The SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial offers you the latest product release and access to SOLIDWORKS Simulation, SOLIDWORKS MBD, SOLIDWORKS CAM, and SOLIDWORKS Visualize.":"The SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial offers you the latest product release and access to SOLIDWORKS Simulation, SOLIDWORKS MBD, SOLIDWORKS CAM, and SOLIDWORKS Visualize.","The SOLIDWORKS in the browser session may also end if it times out.":"The SOLIDWORKS in the browser session may also end if it times out.","The SOLIDWORKS in the browser session may also end if it times out. Time outs happen if you:":"The SOLIDWORKS in the browser session may also end if it times out. Time outs happen if you:","The SOLIDWORKS software is maximized (dynamic) to your browser window size.":"The SOLIDWORKS software is maximized (dynamic) to your browser window size.","The best of both worlds in MySolidWorks Plus and MySolidWorks Professional":"The best of both worlds in MySolidWorks Plus and MySolidWorks Professional","The buttons and menus are too small in SOLIDWORKS. How do I make them bigger?":"The buttons and menus are too small in SOLIDWORKS. How do I make them bigger?","The connection is healthy and the system is ready to go":"The connection is healthy and the system is ready to go","The connection will be slower":"The connection will be slower","The feed is valid and will be shown to your customers soon. \n To see what your customers will see, visit ":"The feed is valid and will be shown to your customers soon. \n To see what your customers will see, visit ","The file '0' is too large.":"The file '0' is too large.","The following characters are not allowed: \\ \/ : ? * < > \" |":"The following characters are not allowed: \\ \/ : ? * < > \" |","The lesson that you are trying to add could not be found.":"The lesson that you are trying to add could not be found.","The lesson was not found.":"The lesson was not found.","The lessons in this learning path provide a quick introduction to parts, assemblies, and drawings in SOLIDWORKS.":"The lessons in this learning path provide a quick introduction to parts, assemblies, and drawings in SOLIDWORKS.","The log in page on MySolidWorks has a new look. Whether you are a new or returning student, use these tips to get started.":"The log in page on MySolidWorks has a new look. Whether you are a new or returning student, use these tips to get started.","The page is undergoing maintenance. Thanks for your patience.":"The page is undergoing maintenance. Thanks for your patience.","The serial number can be found on the inside front cover of your training manual.":"The serial number can be found on the inside front cover of your training manual.","The serial number is invalid.":"The serial number is invalid.","The serial number you have entered is assigned to another user. Enter a new serial number.":"The serial number you have entered is assigned to another user. Enter a new serial number.","The serial number you have entered is not valid. Enter a new serial number or contact your professor.":"The serial number you have entered is not valid. Enter a new serial number or contact your professor.","The serial number you provided has already been registered.":"The serial number you provided has already been registered.","The status of the server location is color-coded to display the connection strength":"The status of the server location is color-coded to display the connection strength","The student serial number entered has already been registered.":"The student serial number entered has already been registered.","The uploaded files appear in the Home<\/strong> folder (under My Files<\/strong>).":"The uploaded files appear in the Home<\/strong> folder (under My Files<\/strong>).","The {{uin.swotcModel.productName}} is no longer available":"The {{uin.swotcModel.productName}} is no longer available","There is no News available":"There is no News available","There is no blog available":"There is no blog available","There is no training available":"There is no training available","There is no video available":"There is no video available","There was a problem uploading your file":"There was a problem uploading your file","There was an error refreshing the feed or the data source does not support this action.":"There was an error refreshing the feed or the data source does not support this action.","There was an error sending instructions on how to access your ebook. Please try again.":"There was an error sending instructions on how to access your ebook. Please try again.","This can happen if you are kicked out of your session. Refresh (":"This can happen if you are kicked out of your session. Refresh (","This document contains information about new and changed functionality in SOLIDWORKS PDM software. This document is updated with each SOLIDWORKS PDM service pack.":"This document contains information about new and changed functionality in SOLIDWORKS PDM software. This document is updated with each SOLIDWORKS PDM service pack.","This document contains information about new and changed functionality in the SOLIDWORKS software and other products. This document is updated with each SOLIDWORKS service pack.":"This document contains information about new and changed functionality in the SOLIDWORKS software and other products. This document is updated with each SOLIDWORKS service pack.","This document describes how to install Microsoft SQL Server and the SOLIDWORKS PDM database server, archive server, client software, and GZ filter, including upgrade, backup, and configuration instructions.":"This document describes how to install Microsoft SQL Server and the SOLIDWORKS PDM database server, archive server, client software, and GZ filter, including upgrade, backup, and configuration instructions.","This document describes how to install SOLIDWORKS eDrawings. It contains information about installation types, licensing, and installation methods, including silent installs.":"This document describes how to install SOLIDWORKS eDrawings. It contains information about installation types, licensing, and installation methods, including silent installs.","This document describes how to install and apply service packs to SOLIDWORKS, SOLIDWORKS Office, SOLIDWORKS Office Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Office Premium. Many installation methods are covered, including individual installations, silent installations, modifying installations, and administrative image installations.":"This document describes how to install and apply service packs to SOLIDWORKS, SOLIDWORKS Office, SOLIDWORKS Office Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Office Premium. Many installation methods are covered, including individual installations, silent installations, modifying installations, and administrative image installations.","This document explains FLEXlm for administrators and end users and describes how to use the tools which are part of the standard FLEX lm distribution kit.":"This document explains FLEXlm for administrators and end users and describes how to use the tools which are part of the standard FLEX lm distribution kit.","This document provides concise instructions on how to install a standalone seat of SOLIDWORKS.":"This document provides concise instructions on how to install a standalone seat of SOLIDWORKS.","This document provides detailed descriptions of the new functionality in SOLIDWORKS software. It introduces concepts and provides step-by-step examples for many of the new functions.":"This document provides detailed descriptions of the new functionality in SOLIDWORKS software. It introduces concepts and provides step-by-step examples for many of the new functions.","This document summarizes the new features in SOLIDWORKS PDM software and helps you learn how to use them. It introduces concepts and contains step-by-step examples for many new functions":"This document summarizes the new features in SOLIDWORKS PDM software and helps you learn how to use them. It introduces concepts and contains step-by-step examples for many new functions","This field may only contain letters, numbers, and common punctuation.":"This field may only contain letters, numbers, and common punctuation.","This is a temporary error. Refresh the page to try again. If the problem continues, please check back in 5-10 minutes.":"This is a temporary error. Refresh the page to try again. If the problem continues, please check back in 5-10 minutes.","This lesson is associated with a learning path. Remove the associated learning path from My Training to remove this lesson":"This lesson is associated with a learning path. Remove the associated learning path from My Training to remove this lesson","This lesson requires you to log in.":"This lesson requires you to log in.","This powerful solution requires that you run the trial from a larger screen device like a laptop or desktop. A SOLIDWORKS ID is required to get started. Don\u2019t have one? Follow the link below for directions to create an ID.":"This powerful solution requires that you run the trial from a larger screen device like a laptop or desktop. A SOLIDWORKS ID is required to get started. Don\u2019t have one? Follow the link below for directions to create an ID.","Three steps to create your account":"Three steps to create your account","Tips & Tricks":"Tips & Tricks","Title":"Title","Title (channel):":"Title (channel):","To":"To","To add a bookmark when reading articles, click the":"To add a bookmark when reading articles, click the","To create a plus account, please contact John.":"To create a plus account, please contact John.","To create a sub account, please contact Andreas.":"To create a sub account, please contact Andreas.","To create an account, please click here.":"To create an account, please click here.","To download files:":"To download files:","To experiment with video resolution settings to find the best balance of performance and clarity:":"To experiment with video resolution settings to find the best balance of performance and clarity:","To login, click here.":"To login, click here.","To redeem the voucher code follow these steps":"To redeem the voucher code follow these steps","To remove a bookmark, click the":"To remove a bookmark, click the","To take advantage of this offer, complete this online CSWA certification prep course.<\/a> Once you\u2019ve completed all lessons in the course, you will receive a code via email to take the CSWA exam for free.":"To take advantage of this offer, complete this online CSWA certification prep course.<\/a> Once you\u2019ve completed all lessons in the course, you will receive a code via email to take the CSWA exam for free.","To test your own data, you can Upload Files using the My Files tool":"To test your own data, you can Upload Files using the My Files tool","To upload files:":"To upload files:","To:":"To:","Today, SOLIDWORKS requires local installation on a Windows PC. See system requirements":"Today, SOLIDWORKS requires local installation on a Windows PC. See system requirements","Top":"Top","Top Solution:":"Top Solution:","Total Downloads:":"Total Downloads:","Tracking Information":"Tracking Information","Training":"Training","Training Analytics":"Training Analytics","Training Manuals":"Training Manuals","Training | MySolidWorks":"Training | MySolidWorks","Transferring you to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform now...":"Transferring you to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform now...","Trending Articles":"Trending Articles","Trending Videos":"Trending Videos","Try SOLIDWORKS":"Try SOLIDWORKS","Try SOLIDWORKS CAD Premium Today":"Try SOLIDWORKS CAD Premium Today","Try SOLIDWORKS | MySolidWorks":"Try SOLIDWORKS | MySolidWorks","Try a different, supported web browser.":"Try a different, supported web browser.","Try different or more general terms":"Try different or more general terms","Try reconnecting at a later time.":"Try reconnecting at a later time.","Try to remove some terms.":"Try to remove some terms.","Try xDesign | MySolidWorks":"Try xDesign | MySolidWorks","Tutorials":"Tutorials","Tutorials are available in the product to help you learn SOLIDWORKS subjects from basic to advanced. Click Help <\/strong> > SolidWorks Tutorials <\/strong> to navigate to the topics.":"Tutorials are available in the product to help you learn SOLIDWORKS subjects from basic to advanced. Click Help <\/strong> > SolidWorks Tutorials <\/strong> to navigate to the topics.","Tweet":"Tweet","Type":"Type","Type:":"Type:","URL":"URL","URL:":"URL:","Unlink Dropbox account":"Unlink Dropbox account","Unlink Google Drive account":"Unlink Google Drive account","Up-to-Date Posts for Community News":"Up-to-Date Posts for Community News","Upcoming Events":"Upcoming Events","Update":"Update","Updated":"Updated","Upgrade":"Upgrade","Upgrade Now":"Upgrade Now","Upgrade to MySolidWorks Professional to access this eCourse":"Upgrade to MySolidWorks Professional to access this eCourse","Upgrade to MySolidWorks Standard":"Upgrade to MySolidWorks Standard","Upgraded subscription levels include:":"Upgraded subscription levels include:","Upload":"Upload","Upload Company Image":"Upload Company Image","Upload Date":"Upload Date","Upload Image":"Upload Image","Upload Your Designs":"Upload Your Designs","Upload failed, Please try again.":"Upload failed, Please try again.","Upload of file":"Upload of file","Upload your SOLIDWORKS files to the Online trial environment":"Upload your SOLIDWORKS files to the Online trial environment","Uploading Files":"Uploading Files","Uploading file":"Uploading file","Uploading...":"Uploading...","Uploads files from your local computer to the Home<\/strong> folder using My Files":"Uploads files from your local computer to the Home<\/strong> folder using My Files","Use or upgrade\/install one of the following browser to take full advantage of this site":"Use or upgrade\/install one of the following browser to take full advantage of this site","Use the same email address<\/strong> so we know it is you.":"Use the same email address<\/strong> so we know it is you.","Use your SOLIDWORKS ID password.":"Use your SOLIDWORKS ID password.","User Type":"User Type","User email":"User email","UserAgent":"UserAgent","Users":"Users","Users with an active SOLIDWORKS subscription can register their serial # for access to MySolidWorks Standard! MySolidWorks Standard provides you with additional resources such as online training content.":"Users with an active SOLIDWORKS subscription can register their serial # for access to MySolidWorks Standard! MySolidWorks Standard provides you with additional resources such as online training content.","Users with an active SOLIDWORKS subscription can register their serial # for access to Select Partner products! ":"Users with an active SOLIDWORKS subscription can register their serial # for access to Select Partner products! ","VRC Seminar Posting tool":"VRC Seminar Posting tool","Value":"Value","Value Added Resellers":"Value Added Resellers","Version":"Version","Video Catalog":"Video Catalog","Video Resolution":"Video Resolution","View 2D and 3D CAD files with eDrawings":"View 2D and 3D CAD files with eDrawings","View Training Catalog<\/a> ":"View Training Catalog<\/a> ","View All":"View All","View All 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE WORLD Technical Sessions":"View All 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE WORLD Technical Sessions","View All Learning Paths":"View All Learning Paths","View All Lessons":"View All Lessons","View All Manufacturers":"View All Manufacturers","View All eCourses":"View All eCourses","View By Category":"View By Category","View Certificate":"View Certificate","View Dropbox Account":"View Dropbox Account","View Google Drive Account":"View Google Drive Account","View Learning Path":"View Learning Path","View Manufacturers By Category":"View Manufacturers By Category","View More":"View More","View My Profile":"View My Profile","View My Reseller as your customers":"View My Reseller as your customers","View Prep Courses":"View Prep Courses","View Profile":"View Profile","View Search Terms":"View Search Terms","View Training Courses":"View Training Courses","View all 3D printing manufacturers":"View all 3D printing manufacturers","View all CNC machining manufacturers":"View all CNC machining manufacturers","View all molding manufacturers":"View all molding manufacturers","View all sheet metal manufacturers":"View all sheet metal manufacturers","View eCourses":"View eCourses","View manufacturers":"View manufacturers","View multiple content types including your SOLIDWORKS designs.":"View multiple content types including your SOLIDWORKS designs.","View recent content from the community.":"View recent content from the community.","View reseller uploaded content":"View reseller uploaded content","View your SOLIDWORKS designs anytime, anywhere with eDrawings integration":"View your SOLIDWORKS designs anytime, anywhere with eDrawings integration","View your certificate":"View your certificate","View your work":"View your work","Viewing this drawing will mark the file and folder on Google Drive as fully public, do you want to continue?":"Viewing this drawing will mark the file and folder on Google Drive as fully public, do you want to continue?","Viewing timeline: For registered eBooks, you will be able to view that eBook for at least 4 years after it was first published. After those 4 years, our publisher will do their best to continue to bring you access. For example, SW2021 books will definitely be available for viewing until 2024.":"Viewing timeline: For registered eBooks, you will be able to view that eBook for at least 4 years after it was first published. After those 4 years, our publisher will do their best to continue to bring you access. For example, SW2021 books will definitely be available for viewing until 2024.","Virtual prototyping to improve quality and drive innovation":"Virtual prototyping to improve quality and drive innovation","Visualize":"Visualize","Voucher code must be used by the same email address as it was provided to.":"Voucher code must be used by the same email address as it was provided to.","Voucher must be used before August 1st, 2020.":"Voucher must be used before August 1st, 2020.","Watch this helpful video<\/a> to walk you through the exact steps to create your account and register your SOLIDWORKS serial number.":"Watch this helpful video<\/a> to walk you through the exact steps to create your account and register your SOLIDWORKS serial number.","We are unable to grant you access to the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial at this time. Please contact your reseller for assistance.":"We are unable to grant you access to the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial at this time. Please contact your reseller for assistance.","We do not currently offer any SOLIDWORKS tools through the browser platform - it is limited to free evaluations and trials only.":"We do not currently offer any SOLIDWORKS tools through the browser platform - it is limited to free evaluations and trials only.","We found your company on the MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network. I would appreciate you contacting me with your requirements for a sales quotation. ":"We found your company on the MySolidWorks Manufacturing Network. I would appreciate you contacting me with your requirements for a sales quotation. ","We have included a couple CSWA sample exam files, pre-loaded in your session":"We have included a couple CSWA sample exam files, pre-loaded in your session","We recommend:":"We recommend:","We'll be back soon.":"We'll be back soon.","We'll never share your email with anyone else.":"We'll never share your email with anyone else.","Webinars and Seminars":"Webinars and Seminars","Website":"Website","Website:":"Website:","Welcome":"Welcome","Welcome to MySolidWorks":"Welcome to MySolidWorks","Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta":"Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta","Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta!":"Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta!","Welcome to the Cloud Solidworks":"Welcome to the Cloud Solidworks","Welcome to {{uin.swotcModel.productName}}":"Welcome to {{uin.swotcModel.productName}}","Welcome to {{uin.swotcModel.productName}}!":"Welcome to {{uin.swotcModel.productName}}!","Welcome!":"Welcome!","Well, that wasn't supposed to happen":"Well, that wasn't supposed to happen","We\u2019ll be glad to email you the details!":"We\u2019ll be glad to email you the details!","We\u2019re sorry\u2026 You have not been given access to the Private Beta program using this ID. Check back later for future Beta programs.":"We\u2019re sorry\u2026 You have not been given access to the Private Beta program using this ID. Check back later for future Beta programs.","We\u2019re thrilled that you are interested in trying SOLIDWORKS. To fully enjoy the experience, you need to be on a desktop or tablet device.":"We\u2019re thrilled that you are interested in trying SOLIDWORKS. To fully enjoy the experience, you need to be on a desktop or tablet device.","What are you waiting for? Launch the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial today!":"What are you waiting for? Launch the SOLIDWORKS Online Product Trial today!","What do you want to make?":"What do you want to make?","What if I have performance trouble or errors during the evaluation?":"What if I have performance trouble or errors during the evaluation?","What if I want to continue using web browser-based SOLIDWORKS after purchase?":"What if I want to continue using web browser-based SOLIDWORKS after purchase?","What's New in SOLIDWORKS":"What's New in SOLIDWORKS","What's New in SOLIDWORKS PDM":"What's New in SOLIDWORKS PDM","What's new":"What's new","What's new in the":"What's new in the","What's the buzz - Browse the latest news, discussions, and content on MySolidWorks":"What's the buzz - Browse the latest news, discussions, and content on MySolidWorks","When you click Activate Now<\/strong>...":"When you click Activate Now<\/strong>...","When you click Activate<\/strong>, you will be taken to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform website to complete the activation process.":"When you click Activate<\/strong>, you will be taken to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform website to complete the activation process.","Where SOLIDWORKS users discover, engage, and share about 3DEXPERIENCE Works - SOLIDWORKS desktop, cloud-connected, and pure cloud.":"Where SOLIDWORKS users discover, engage, and share about 3DEXPERIENCE Works - SOLIDWORKS desktop, cloud-connected, and pure cloud.","Which web browser should I use?":"Which web browser should I use?","Why are you exploring SOLIDWORKS Online Trial Today?":"Why are you exploring SOLIDWORKS Online Trial Today?","Why doesn't my SOLIDWORKS Online trial launch?":"Why doesn't my SOLIDWORKS Online trial launch?","Working with SOLIDWORKS":"Working with SOLIDWORKS","Would you like to extend your SOLIDWORKS Online Trial for an additional hour?":"Would you like to extend your SOLIDWORKS Online Trial for an additional hour?","Would you like to extend your SOLIDWORKS Online Trial for two additional hours?":"Would you like to extend your SOLIDWORKS Online Trial for two additional hours?","Would you like to get another online manual?":"Would you like to get another online manual?","YTD":"YTD","Year Established":"Year Established","Year of Graduation":"Year of Graduation","Yes":"Yes","You already completed the course on %s":"You already completed the course on %s","You and":"You and","You are in Read Only Mode":"You are in Read Only Mode","You are not authorized to see this area.":"You are not authorized to see this area.","You are not authorized to view this page":"You are not authorized to view this page","You are using a web browser or a browser version not supported by this website! This means that some functions may not work as expected.":"You are using a web browser or a browser version not supported by this website! This means that some functions may not work as expected.","You can access many sample files at Document > SOLIDWORKS Product Trial.<\/strong> Click File > Open <\/strong> to access the sample content.":"You can access many sample files at Document > SOLIDWORKS Product Trial.<\/strong> Click File > Open <\/strong> to access the sample content.","You can access the training files used in the videos. Click File > Open.<\/strong> In the dialog box, browse to Libraries > Documents > SOLIDWORKS Product Trial > Training Files.<\/strong>":"You can access the training files used in the videos. Click File > Open.<\/strong> In the dialog box, browse to Libraries > Documents > SOLIDWORKS Product Trial > Training Files.<\/strong>","You can access your training manual as a secure eBook via MySolidWorks. The contents of the eBook are identical to your printed copy. Please enter your serial number below and we will send you an email with instructions on how to access the eBook.":"You can access your training manual as a secure eBook via MySolidWorks. The contents of the eBook are identical to your printed copy. Please enter your serial number below and we will send you an email with instructions on how to access the eBook.","You can access your training manual as a secure eBook via MySolidWorks. The contents of the eBook are identical to your printed copy. Please log in.":"You can access your training manual as a secure eBook via MySolidWorks. The contents of the eBook are identical to your printed copy. Please log in.","You can also download or upload individual files through the virtualization platform. See ":"You can also download or upload individual files through the virtualization platform. See ","You can create your own Folders using Add Folder option.":"You can create your own Folders using Add Folder option.","You can launch SOLIDWORKS, SOLIDWORKS Visualize, eDrawings and Treehouse.":"You can launch SOLIDWORKS, SOLIDWORKS Visualize, eDrawings and Treehouse.","You can save files from the browser to your Home Folder and then clicking any file on your Home Folder will download it to your local machine.":"You can save files from the browser to your Home Folder and then clicking any file on your Home Folder will download it to your local machine.","You can stream SOLIDWORKS to HTML5 compatible browsers, including the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, on desktop devices, including Windows, Mac, Chromebooks, and Linux PCs.":"You can stream SOLIDWORKS to HTML5 compatible browsers, including the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, on desktop devices, including Windows, Mac, Chromebooks, and Linux PCs.","You can upload files from your computer to the Home Folder under My Files.":"You can upload files from your computer to the Home Folder under My Files.","You do not have any bookmarks.":"You do not have any bookmarks.","You do not have any saved lessons. To add a lesson, browse the Online Training":"You do not have any saved lessons. To add a lesson, browse the Online Training","You don't have the rights to view this page":"You don't have the rights to view this page","You have":"You have","You have 1 day to use your trial.":"You have 1 day to use your trial.","You have a daily maximum of 4 hours<\/strong>.":"You have a daily maximum of 4 hours<\/strong>.","You have a maximum of 100 hours<\/strong> to use over 60 days.":"You have a maximum of 100 hours<\/strong> to use over 60 days.","You have lost connection to Dropbox. Please reauthorize.":"You have lost connection to Dropbox. Please reauthorize.","You have successfully completed the course.":"You have successfully completed the course.","You have successfully updated your Student Serial #":"You have successfully updated your Student Serial #","You have successfully updated your account information.":"You have successfully updated your account information.","You have {{uin.timer.trialDays}} days to use your trial. ":"You have {{uin.timer.trialDays}} days to use your trial. ","You may need to create a new 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID using your SOLIDWORKS ID email address. It is important to use the same email for your 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID and your SOLIDWORKS ID \u2013 it is how we know it is you.<\/strong>":"You may need to create a new 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID using your SOLIDWORKS ID email address. It is important to use the same email for your 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID and your SOLIDWORKS ID \u2013 it is how we know it is you.<\/strong>","You may need to create a new password if you can\u2019t remember it or if you are prompted to do so. This will be the password you use for logging into 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE log in screens.":"You may need to create a new password if you can\u2019t remember it or if you are prompted to do so. This will be the password you use for logging into 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE log in screens.","You may not enter '<' followed by any character.":"You may not enter '<' followed by any character.","You might also need to experiment with your browser's zoom level. A value less than 100% causes buttons and menus in SOLIDWORKS to shrink. To make them more accessible, increase the zoom level through your browser\u2019s settings.":"You might also need to experiment with your browser's zoom level. A value less than 100% causes buttons and menus in SOLIDWORKS to shrink. To make them more accessible, increase the zoom level through your browser\u2019s settings.","You must be logged in or create an account.":"You must be logged in or create an account.","You must install a viewer application and activate a license to view the secure eBook.":"You must install a viewer application and activate a license to view the secure eBook.","You must save your content before<\/strong> you close the session - otherwise it will be lost. ":"You must save your content before<\/strong> you close the session - otherwise it will be lost. ","You must select":"You must select","You need a Frames Capable browser to view this content.":"You need a Frames Capable browser to view this content.","You need to be a member to view this lesson.":"You need to be a member to view this lesson.","You need to have an account and log in to register your SOLIDWORKS Student Serial #":"You need to have an account and log in to register your SOLIDWORKS Student Serial #","You need to log in or have an account to play all the lessons.":"You need to log in or have an account to play all the lessons.","You need to login to view this page":"You need to login to view this page","You need to upgrade to MySolidWorks Professional to view this lesson, contact your reseller for more information.":"You need to upgrade to MySolidWorks Professional to view this lesson, contact your reseller for more information.","You need to upgrade to MySolidWorks Standard to view this lesson.":"You need to upgrade to MySolidWorks Standard to view this lesson.","You successfully registered! You now have access to MySolidWorks for Students.":"You successfully registered! You now have access to MySolidWorks for Students.","You will be redirected to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for %s<\/strong> after it is prepared.":"You will be redirected to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for %s<\/strong> after it is prepared.","You will be taken to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform website for this step.":"You will be taken to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform website for this step.","You will create your account using the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal.":"You will create your account using the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal.","You will receive an email confirmation shortly.":"You will receive an email confirmation shortly.","You will use your 9020 Serial Number after you have created and logged into your MySolidworks account. Do not enter it in the input field of \"Serial #\"<\/b>. ":"You will use your 9020 Serial Number after you have created and logged into your MySolidworks account. Do not enter it in the input field of \"Serial #\"<\/b>. ","You'll find a variety of assembly, part and drawing sample files pre-loaded in your session":"You'll find a variety of assembly, part and drawing sample files pre-loaded in your session","You'll find a variety of assembly, part, and drawing sample files pre-loaded in your session.":"You'll find a variety of assembly, part, and drawing sample files pre-loaded in your session.","YouTube":"YouTube","Your 60-day countdown starts at the begining og you first day<\/strong>":"Your 60-day countdown starts at the begining og you first day<\/strong>","Your Account on a Online Quoting Website.":"Your Account on a Online Quoting Website.","Your Account on an Online Quoting Website.":"Your Account on an Online Quoting Website.","Your MySolidWorks Professional Serial # is activated.":"Your MySolidWorks Professional Serial # is activated.","Your MySolidWorks Professional Serial # is already activated.":"Your MySolidWorks Professional Serial # is already activated.","Your SOLIDWORKS ID is your 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID":"Your SOLIDWORKS ID is your 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE ID","Your SOLIDWORKS subscription has expired.":"Your SOLIDWORKS subscription has expired.","Your SOLIDWORKS trial session expired.":"Your SOLIDWORKS trial session expired.","Your SOLIDWORKS trial session has expired.":"Your SOLIDWORKS trial session has expired.","Your SOLIDWORKS trial session has expired. Contact your SOLIDWORKS reseller for further information.":"Your SOLIDWORKS trial session has expired. Contact your SOLIDWORKS reseller for further information.","Your browser broke!":"Your browser broke!","Your comment has been submitted and will be reviewed by the MySolidWorks team.":"Your comment has been submitted and will be reviewed by the MySolidWorks team.","Your company gets its own secure 3DEXPERIENCE Platform with core online collaboration services tailored for product designers and the people they work with:":"Your company gets its own secure 3DEXPERIENCE Platform with core online collaboration services tailored for product designers and the people they work with:","Your instructions are on the way\u2026 Be sure to click on the link in the email to get started on your desktop or tablet!":"Your instructions are on the way\u2026 Be sure to click on the link in the email to get started on your desktop or tablet!","Your invitation to the SOLIDWORKS Online Trial":"Your invitation to the SOLIDWORKS Online Trial","Your models:":"Your models:","Your personal subscription will be activated so that you can use your SOLIDWORKS ID to log in.":"Your personal subscription will be activated so that you can use your SOLIDWORKS ID to log in.","Your place for all things SOLIDWORKS":"Your place for all things SOLIDWORKS","Your place for all things SOLIDWORKS.
Get answers. Learn more. Connect.":"Your place for all things SOLIDWORKS.
Get answers. Learn more. Connect.","Your profile has been created\/updated and is pending approval.":"Your profile has been created\/updated and is pending approval.","Your profile is searchable now.":"Your profile is searchable now.","Your quote page":"Your quote page","Your serial number is expired.":"Your serial number is expired.","Your subscription gives you more than ever":"Your subscription gives you more than ever","Your subscription includes:":"Your subscription includes:","You\u2019re almost done creating the SOLIDWORKS online account needed to gain access to MySolidWorks for Students.":"You\u2019re almost done creating the SOLIDWORKS online account needed to gain access to MySolidWorks for Students.","ZIP Code\/Postal Code":"ZIP Code\/Postal Code","ZIP Code\/Postal Code must be in format 12345-1234 or 12345":"ZIP Code\/Postal Code must be in format 12345-1234 or 12345","Zoom":"Zoom","a 3-button CAD mouse is not supported":"a 3-button CAD mouse is not supported","about SOLIDWORKS and 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE IDs.":"about SOLIDWORKS and 3D<\/strong>EXPERIENCE IDs.","ago":"ago","and the SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta ":"and the SOLIDWORKS 2017 Online Beta ","bookmark icon.":"bookmark icon.","clear all":"clear all","completed":"completed","create an account.":"create an account.","create your ID now.":"create your ID now.","day":"day","days":"days","did you mean ":"did you mean ","don't see them listed?":"don't see them listed?","eCourses":"eCourses","for more lessons and learning paths":"for more lessons and learning paths","from":"from","have a complimentary upgrade of MySolidWorks Plus waiting for you.":"have a complimentary upgrade of MySolidWorks Plus waiting for you.","here":"here","hour":"hour","hours":"hours","if you are unable to register or access your copy.":"if you are unable to register or access your copy.","in one location. Stay current, sharpen your design skills, and share your expertise all from the convenience of your mobile device or desktop!":"in one location. Stay current, sharpen your design skills, and share your expertise all from the convenience of your mobile device or desktop!","increase time":"increase time","is best viewed on an HTML5 browser on a desktop, or Chromebook or Tablet.":"is best viewed on an HTML5 browser on a desktop, or Chromebook or Tablet.","is currently experiencing some technical difficulties.":"is currently experiencing some technical difficulties.","m":"m","min":"min","mins":"mins","minute":"minute","minutes":"minutes","month":"month","months":"months","more available":"more available","number of rows affected = ":"number of rows affected = ","of":"of","of 5 used,":"of 5 used,","of the SOLIDWORKS Trial remaining.":"of the SOLIDWORKS Trial remaining.","on the upper right of the SOLIDWORKS window and use the End Session option to quit the session. Save any open documents. Your changes will be lost if you don't save them before ending the session.":"on the upper right of the SOLIDWORKS window and use the End Session option to quit the session. Save any open documents. Your changes will be lost if you don't save them before ending the session.","or":"or","pointless tooltip":"pointless tooltip","pre-selected language":"pre-selected language","pre-selected server":"pre-selected server","read our FAQ":"read our FAQ","requires active subscription":"requires active subscription","respond to requests for quotes.":"respond to requests for quotes.","second":"second","seconds":"seconds","secs":"secs","successful. Refreshing...":"successful. Refreshing...","":"","to begin or ":"to begin or ","to get a quote.":"to get a quote.","to register your serial number for access to ":"to register your serial number for access to ","validate your email and activate your account?":"validate your email and activate your account?","year":"year","years":"years","{{uin.timer.trialDays}}":"{{uin.timer.trialDays}}","2D Design DraftSight":"2D Design DraftSight","2D Design | MySolidWorks":"2D Design | MySolidWorks","3D ContentCentral":"3D ContentCentral","3D Design | MySolidWorks":"3D Design | MySolidWorks","<\/i> Search, view, and download CAD Models from
3D ContentCentral<\/a>":"<\/i> Search, view, and download CAD Models from 3D ContentCentral<\/a>","<\/i> Discover what SOLIDWORKS users are discussing.":"<\/i> Discover what SOLIDWORKS users are discussing."," Find and connect with manufacturers<\/span>":" Find and connect with manufacturers<\/span>","Catalog of lessons and learning paths<\/span>":"Catalog of lessons and learning paths<\/span>","Training Catalog<\/span>":"Training Catalog<\/span>","About Learning":"About Learning","Articles \/ Videos":"Articles \/ Videos","Browse and connect with the right manufacturer":"Browse and connect with the right manufacturer","CAD Models | MySolidWorks":"CAD Models | MySolidWorks","Create, update and distribute rich digital product documentation and technical publications by using tools such as DraftSight and 3DVIA Composer.":"Create, update and distribute rich digital product documentation and technical publications by using tools such as DraftSight and 3DVIA Composer.","Data Management| MySolidWorks":"Data Management| MySolidWorks","DataManagement":"DataManagement","Discussions \/ Models":"Discussions \/ Models","DraftSight Tech Alerts and Learning Resources":"DraftSight Tech Alerts and Learning Resources","DraftSight YouTube channel":"DraftSight YouTube channel","Evaluate product performance, improve quality, and boost innovation with the powerful and comprehensive suite of SOLIDWORKS Simulation packages.":"Evaluate product performance, improve quality, and boost innovation with the powerful and comprehensive suite of SOLIDWORKS Simulation packages.","Featured":"Featured","Featured Learning":"Featured Learning","Find Online training and certification resources":"Find Online training and certification resources","Find thousands of free 2D & 3D CAD models, parts & assemblies, 2D blocks, library features, macros and more.":"Find thousands of free 2D & 3D CAD models, parts & assemblies, 2D blocks, library features, macros and more.","Forums Discussions":"Forums Discussions","Forums Documents":"Forums Documents","Get 2D CAD learning resources for DraftSight, Dassault Syst\u00c3\u00a8mes free CAD software for creating, editing, sharing and printing .dwg and .dxf drawing files":"Get 2D CAD learning resources for DraftSight, Dassault Syst\u00c3\u00a8mes free CAD software for creating, editing, sharing and printing .dwg and .dxf drawing files","Get SOLIDWORKS tips and tricks designed to help you do your job faster.":"Get SOLIDWORKS tips and tricks designed to help you do your job faster.","Get access to an abundance of SOLIDWORKS learning videos to help you create better designs faster.":"Get access to an abundance of SOLIDWORKS learning videos to help you create better designs faster.","Get answers quickly and easily about SOLIDWORKS 3D Design.":"Get answers quickly and easily about SOLIDWORKS 3D Design.","Get the latest news, tips and tricks about SOLIDWORKS and join in the conversation at the SOLIDWORKS blog.":"Get the latest news, tips and tricks about SOLIDWORKS and join in the conversation at the SOLIDWORKS blog.","Get your design data under control and improve the way your team manages and collaborates on product development.":"Get your design data under control and improve the way your team manages and collaborates on product development.","Help":"Help","Home":"Home","Knowledge Base":"Knowledge Base","Learning":"Learning","Learning Path":"Learning Path","Lesson":"Lesson","Manufacturers | MySolidWorks":"Manufacturers | MySolidWorks","My Manufacturer Profile":"My Manufacturer Profile","Online Help":"Online Help","Other Search Sources":"Other Search Sources","Overview":"Overview","Parts and Assemblies":"Parts and Assemblies","Product Trial":"Product Trial","Quickly access valuable SOLIDWORKS tutorials that make your job easier.":"Quickly access valuable SOLIDWORKS tutorials that make your job easier.","SOLIDWORKS Blog":"SOLIDWORKS Blog","SOLIDWORKS Blogs":"SOLIDWORKS Blogs","SOLIDWORKS Blogs | MySolidWorks":"SOLIDWORKS 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