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Can someone please tell me how to get the auto labeling of view and scale option? When I am inserting a view from view pallet i want the label of View name and Scale with it even if the sheet scale and drawing scale is same. SolidworksSolidworks Podcast
4 années il y a
In Drafting View I am not getting the Length column in BOM. Two configuration from one assembly, in one I found the length but not in other(only total length is there). snap attached. SolidworksSolidworks Podcast
4 années il y a
In drawing sheet tangent edges are appearing in grey in "Hidden lines removed" visual style but when switching to "Shaded with edges" mode all tangent edges are turning into black. what I want is to change the tangent edge color in "shaded with Edges" Visual style. Please see the attached PDF for any confusion. SolidworksSolidworks Podcast
4 années il y a