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Uživatelské fórum SOLIDWORKS

Místo, kde uživatelé SOLIDWORKS objevují, zapojují se a sdílejí vše, co se týká 3DEXPERIENCE Works –⁠ ať už využívají desktopovou verzi SOLIDWORKS, propojení s cloudem, nebo čistě cloudovou podobu.

Jednoduše se přihlaste pomocí 3DEXPERIENCE ID.

my company just upgraded our machines(mine only for the nextfew days) to 2009. I have redone all of my preferences but thereseems to be a problem with hidden line not showing up when I turnthat view on. Since it is only me with 2009 right now, I don't knowif this is a possible error in solidworks or is this a problem withmy preferences in Display/Section of the system options?SolidworksDrawings And Detailing
15 roků před
Is it possible to create custom shaped balloons from pre-madeblocks? I would like to have a splt line square or a 3-numberdivided pie balloon, both with the ability to link to customproperties. The latter would be used in lieu of stacked balloons tosave drawing real estate. One shape would symbolize a certaindevice while another shape for a different device.
15 roků před