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A new feature, I would like a feature is one where I add tolerances to the basic dimensions of the model. And then I could press a button and SolidWorks would generate a configuration of nominal, maximum and minimum material condition. SolidworksSolidworks World 2014 And The Top Ten List
10 Jahre Vor
Hi Everyone, I've had a lot of good response to the "Why They are Going to SolidWorks World" post, so I thought I'd give this question a shot. In a few words or a couple of sentences, please tell me your favorite memory from SolidWorks World. Richard SolidworksSolidworks World 2014 And The Top Ten List
10 Jahre Vor
Thank you to all the people involved in setting SWW and to all the employees that make themselves available during the conference to answer all of our questions. Thanks again! SolidworksSolidworks World 2014 And The Top Ten List
10 Jahre Vor