Any idea how to use Toolbox structural members (for example DIN IPE-bars) as structural members in weldment parts ? .. Hope You all understand, what I'm trying to say ??
This is a strange question, I know. Is it possible to print aSW drawing to a file that I can sneakernet to another PC that doesnot have SW and print it there? I have a drawing that has somecolor in it and I would like to print in on my color printer athome but I'd rather not have to install SW on my home PC. Any ideasguys?
Hi all I am having a problem searching for parts and drawingsin Explorer. Yesterday it was searching just fine now. Itssearching but only in my local c: drive. How do i change this topermanitly search from our server drive?
I am modeling an assembly in Simulation 2009 and I havenoticed that the mesh seems to be incompatible between the solidsand the shells, regardless of whether they're touching or I createcontact sets or I create split lines on the shell. I'm concernedthat the parts are not connected in the model, which they aresupposed to be.SolidworksSimulation
I need some help with getting a flat pattern of this cone. I've not done any sheet metal in SW so I'm at a complete lost as towhere to start. I've look in this forum and tried several things to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
I am working on a stair assembly with a hinged handrail. thehandrail sub-assy has an angular limit mate on the hinge. I haveinserted it into the top assembly, made it flexible. It worksgreat... but then I save the assy with the handrail in the uprightposition and next time I pull it up the handrails are down. Anyideas?
Hi I have about 15 different configs of a part but I want to put eachone in a seperate drawing file using the config name as the drawingfile name and drawing number. Is it possible to do this and havethe configs link to the relevant drawing file when I want to openor find it. I don't want to use multiple sheets if I can help it. regards DSolidworksDrawings And Detailing
hi i want to add restraints as a torsional spring in betweentwo plates which is connected in the middle with a cylinder. i wantto restrict the motion of cylinder with the help of torsionalspring. how to do this... bcoz in connectors i can only find compression & tensionspring... please help..?SolidworksSimulation
is there any separate study for analysis of car crashdynamics...or we can do it through drop test... please suggest where i can find the solution for this?SolidworksSimulation
I design Vacuum forming tools that require a plug assist tohelp draw film down into cavites. The plugs need to have the sameshape as the cavities except the male radii on the plug will belarger and the plug needs to have a offset of anywhere from a 1/16"to 1/4" depending on the tool. The way I am currently doing this isin an assembly I create a new part and start offsetting thesurfaces of the cavity. Next I extend and trim the surfaces sothere are no gaps and knit into a solid.
hello ive drawn a cabinet that needs company logos down each side i put the logos on to the cabinet in photoworks which in turn putthe logo on the model and in the drawing ,but what i would like todo is print the drawing with the logo and existing dimensions butwhen i print the drawing the logo disapears johnSolidworksPhotoworks
Hello, Can someone tell me how to save/record an animation? I am usingPremium version 2007. I am under the configurations tab in myassembly then I right click on the "ExplView1" and the click"Animate Collapse". A dialog box appears and I can animate myassembly but the record button is always grayed out.
I posted this on the General forum but the problem is gettingworse. I attached an example drawing that is D size. The lines are heavyand the drawing is stretched. This is happening in SW 2008 and 2009with all service packs.
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone uses the PDM M-Files to manage theirSolidWorks data. If you have/do, how does the history feature workwith drawing/model parametrics in SolidWorks. For example, if Iwere to rev a drawing by changing some dimension, will the historyshow what that dimension was before the rev? Any input isappreciated.
This is possibly a cross-thread of other questions asked. Can you get SW explorer to search sub-directories? It seems as though you can tell it which folder to look and that'sas far as it will go. I have common plates and want to do a where used through the systembut it will only search in the specified locations.
I was provided a rile containing a few thousand XYZ pointsfor a system center line. I was able to create an XYZ curve as apart. Now that I have this, I am looking for a way to identify allof the different radii along this curve. A would also like todetermine the arc length of each radii.SolidworksApi macros
Hi ALL, Please help. I would like SW to open my second page drawing template when Iselect ADD SHEET on the bottom tab. I had this set up before so I know it is possible but I can'tfigure out how to do it. Thanks!
I am working on an application in VB .net 2008 which worksfine aside from this issue. If I have an assembly or part open,Realview on, the part needs saving (*), and I save the fileSolidWorks crashes. I can catch the FileSaveNotify events but bythat point it is too late and SW crashes anway. Anyone see anythinglike this?
How can I change the spacing around the detail view letter(on the circle of the parent view) so it isn't so close to thearrows? I can't seem to find it anywhere... Thanks! SolidworksDrawings And Detailing
I'd like to see the weld detail box come up in some differentfashion so it doesn't block out most of your screen while it'sopen.SolidworksUser Interface
When veiwing the BOM tab info after selecting an assembly, itappears that the order is determined by reverse numeric and thenreverse alpha based on the file name. i.e. 100 99 98... f e d... Is it possible to control or change the order of this listing?Would prefer to have the order displayed to match the componentorder in the assembly or even that of the item number in the bom ofthe associated drawing? Using EPDM 2008 sp4.
Is there a list of other variables you can use with equationsbesides dimensions. I saw an equations where someone was able tocontrol the number of instances in a linear pattern with anequation. I can't find a list of all the other things that can be controlledwith equations and what the proper syntax is for each of thedifferent variable types.SolidworksAssemblies
My OS has been very unstable the past month. I am runningWinXP 32 bit. The company that built my computer instructed me tosimply plop my Windows disk in the drive and restart the machine.The machine boots, then goes into Windows setup. After 20-30seconds of the windows setup blue screen, windows shuts down andsays that it has encountered a problem.