Just try the new version 2022, and it seems that the default extrude direction has been changed to follow previous action, which is different from previous version. For example, if I just switched the direction to Mid Plane for particular action, it will set the default direction as "Mid Plane" for the next extrude action also. This is different from previous version, and sometime if I didn't aware such change, it will take the wrong setting. In the old version, we know that the default is

I am trying to setup a drawing template to populate a field with the name of the last folder, of the directory where the file is saved. Example. If the file directory is: C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\Samples\Part123.SLDDRW I want the field to be updated with "Samples" Not the entire file path. Is this possible?

So in an assembly, i would like to be able to show the total height of the finished assembly. I want to link this measurement to a document property so i can use it in a drawing table. I don't know anything about sensors, but i tried using that and it shows exactly what i want for each configuration in the assembly. is there a way to link that to a variable? thanks for the help.

I develop MEMS devices. I would like to model them in SW butI need a way to add a conformal coating. For instance, I would liketo add a polysilicon layer over a complex topology formed byvarious depositions and etches. Something similar to building aprinted circuit board.

I have been looking into Power Select because I was looking into ways to help this person with this thread: 2017 SOLIDWORKS Help - Power Select I am using SW 2017 SP5. When I couldn't access it, I remembered that there were other times that I couldn't access it It seems that in order to actually use it, you have to have all the planets aligned. Must have "Solidworks Utilities" turned on under Tools--> Add ins I did some experimentation and found this criteria. # Solid Bodies# Surface BodiesPower


I recently wanted to make sure I was squeezing every ounce of available rendering power out of my system. If you have multiple GPU's you can view their resource percentage in the NVIDIA Control panel and CPU usage in performance. I assume most of you knew this already but wanted to share in case you didn't. SolidworksSolidworks Visualize

Hi everyone, I have made a VBA code to create a new part in Solidworks and select the Front Plane for sketching, as below: Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks Dim Part As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 Dim boolstatus As Boolean Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long Sub main() Set swApp = Application.SldWorks Set Part = swApp.NewDocument("C:\ProgramData\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS 2021\templates\Part.prtdot", 0, 0, 0) boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("Front Plane", "PLANE", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)


We had a problem today with drawings coming out of theplotter with "Solidworks lightweight - out of date print" stampedacross them. When reprinting, the label had gone. Does anyone elseget this?SolidworksDrawings And Detailing

Probe results is a great functionality in simulation, but it's not available on context sensitive help in flow simulation. It is available in menu (tools - flow simulation - result - probe mode). SolidworksMysolidworks

Does anyone know why this command doesn't work? Sub UserForm_KeyDown(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) Select Case KeyAscii Case 13 'enter key addBtn_Click 'ase 39 'right arrow skipBtn_Click Case 27 'escape key Unload Me Case Else End Select End Sub thank SolidworksApi/macros

I’m looking for a macro to use in assembly environment. Upon run the macro, the following should happen. All parts should be applied with random colors from a set of preselected (light appearance) colors. should be applied on body, not on surfaces I don’t want to color , so there should be option to select / deselect the items before apply color Can any one help me on the above Request. Regards, Vivek Ravichandran SolidworksSolidworks Add-ins

The need is evident, why not go this direction. I'm sure there are plenty of 'cooked' up forum modules you could buy and modify as you wish. To repeat what I said in another post; 6WTags are very useful on social platforms, but they have no utility for forum purpose, so trying to use these as 'categories' for forums, is kind of like trying to use tree logs as wheels for a car.