I have recently discovered that when I am drawing new parts and are using a new coordinate system the thumbnails in windows 10 will not show. Is there anybody that know about this problem and if there are any setting like "zoom to fit" but for thumbnails? SolidworksSolidworks Explorer

how do you download and installsolidworks 2017?? @ SolidworksSolidworks Explorer

SolidWorks n!Fuze went live this week. It is currently available for Purchase or for a free 30 Day Trial through the link below. https://swym.3ds.com/#3dstore/catalog A product data sheet is attached. SolidworksSolidworks Explorer

Solidworks 2009 Clicking on a PDF opens the doc for somereason. Just by simply clicking on a PDF doc within Solidworksexplorer 2009 it will open the document in Acrobat. Does anyoneknow how to fix this?SolidworksSolidworks Explorer

This is possibly a cross-thread of other questions asked. Can you get SW explorer to search sub-directories? It seems as though you can tell it which folder to look and that'sas far as it will go. I have common plates and want to do a where used through the systembut it will only search in the specified locations.