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Здесь пользователи SOLIDWORKS изучают, используют и обсуждают 3DEXPERIENCE Works — в настольной версии SOLIDWORKS, с подключением к облаку и только в облаке.

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Hi, I am having an issue with the loft part of this design. It is a silicone mold that is pinched closed at the top by a "peg". The main problem is lofting, I have added pictures of the lofting areas that are a problem. The other problem is that I cant to the "pinch" properly, is there a way to model that "pinch" correctly as it would be in the real world?
4 лет назад
Hi, Please it is possible I would like to receive help how to create Table Driven Pattern for the Holes to this pdf sample part application, pattern table hole for these thread holes. I will appreciate very much, it is possible to have a step by step solution, I would like to see how it works for this circular part shape for this these thread holes specific case. THANK YOU. Best Sorin, SolidworksParts And Features
4 лет назад
Hi everyone, Just a reminder that voting for the SolidWorks World 2014 Top Ten list ends on Wednesday January 15, 2014. Please be sure to submit your votes as soon as possible to have your opinion heard. Please click [HERE]
11 лет назад
Hi everyone- - I am probably going to stir up a hornets nest with this, but is it just me, or does anyone else feel that the plane property manager was changed for the worse in 2010? I definitely do not find it as intuitive as it was in previous releases (up to 2009), eg. when creating a new plane, or when you have to repair a lost reference face / vertex etc. Anyone else have a comment? SolidworksParts And Features
14 лет назад