I do some work as large assy, thus i split into smallsub-assembly and make animation in all sub-assy. it's very goodperformance to do that. finally, I want make top assy. and want to import all sub-assyinto that and play all animation int top assy. how could i do. anyfunction ? thanksSolidworksMotion Studies

Hi, I made two helical gears. I want to make a motionsimulation using these two mating gears. Can anyone please help mewith some tutorial how I can make the simulation. Thank you verymuch.

I have a comlex assembly for a project I am working on and amtrying to animate for a presentation. I have some top levelequations that when I change the value and rebuild it moves theparts how I need them to move. How can I create an animation with this method? Thanks John VickersSolidworksMotion Studies

Hi, I'm designing a crank-rod system with two rods inparallel. The problem is that the forces on the rods are not equal as itshould be. The reaction forces in concentric 5 and concentric 8 arenot equal. Why?

hi i have created a motion study of torsional spring. now i want to calculate the effect of spring on the components, soi transffer the load motion to static analysis. but somehow it,s animation is different can any one explain how itworks... refer the assembly....SolidworksMotion Studies

I'm trying to animate an assembly showing different aspectsby turning them on and off through hide/unhide. Some will fade fromone to another like the "linear" interpolation mode is supposed tosome just snap on even though they are all set to linear. Is thereany rhyme or reason when dealing with the Motion Studyfeature?SolidworksMotion Studies

i am using solidwoks 2009. i want to calculate impact load in spur gear simulation. please help me to calculate impact load in motion studies. regards jpSolidworksMotion Studies

Hello all, Product definition team has started the planning for Motion 2011and will like to know the problems you want to solve usingSolidWorks Motion, what are some of the pain points during motionsetup, and any missing functionalities. Please click on the linkbelow to take the survey. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s....2faxLkhPKU5JcgQ_3d_3d Thanks. Best regards, HariSolidworksMotion Studies

What is the meaning of "Mag" in the plot label "AngularVelocity - Mag (deg/sec)"?SolidworksMotion Studies

Is there a way to render a motion study using the Photoworksrenderer, but removing the appearances (materials) and having itlook like a shaded with lines model? I want to be able to controlthe final animation size (which you cannot do with the Solidworksrender engine), but I don't want the photo realism that you getwith photoworks. Thanks in advance for the help.SolidworksMotion Studies

Hi, I'm completing my assembly, but before to complete I'mtesting the simulation. In basic Motion I can't simulate anything. The rotary motor give me a rotation opposite to my desire and the3D contact didn't work. Can someone help me to correct my (maybe) bad approach ?

Hello, Iam looking for some stuff, book or tutorials elaborate advancefeatures to use Cosmos motion acuratelySolidworksMotion Studies

Can anyone advise of books/on line tutorials etc that get youon top of motion analysis in SW Premium? I'm pluging away and amfinding myself consistently short of what I think a good book wouldcover. Thanks in advanceSolidworksMotion Studies

Hello MotionManager users, I accidently deleted the explode changebar for one of my componentsin MotionManager. I'm having difficulty manually getting this toreappear. I don't want to use the animation wizard to recreate theexploded steps because I will lose all the modifying that I haddone to the key points. Solutions anyone?

hi, can anyone help me to see whether SW 2010 can run a simulation of a car passing in uneven surface. from the motion we can see the stress distribution of the car (tire,etc). looking forward for your response SolidworksMotion Studies


como puedo convertir momemtum angular(newton-mm-Sec) a watts SolidworksMotion Studies

See how SOLIDWORKS Motion solves this puzzle: Computer solves two marbles two holes puzzle - YouTube SolidworksMotion Studies

plz somebody answer SolidworksMotion Studies

What's the reason for the not a number value computed for integration error message? How do i resolve it? SolidworksMotion Studies

For a Motion Study I want to disable some mates from an assembly that's included in my main assembly in order to be able to animate some of the parts therein (sort of an exploded state). But I don't seem to be able to do that: How can I disable inner mates for a Motion Study? Or is there another, preferred approach for animation? SolidworksMotion Studies

I am trying to simulate an the projectile motion of an arrow launching. But so far the arrow did not follow the shape of the arrow or the center of mass of the arrow. I just started in SOLIDWORK so I am not sure what to find or what to do. SolidworksMotion Studies

I prepared 3D assembly, but I don´t know how to support it with Motion study. Please, help. SolidworksMotion Studies