I have a doubt about the two syntax, just $PRP@Weight and$SW-MASS? Another question is: is it possible for DT to calculate mass forseveral configs parts at the same time. my means are the DT canshow me the results for several configs at the same time after iinput several dimensionals. now i have to use mass properties toassign each config to only get the result of that config.SolidworksConfigurations design Tables

I'm afraid I know the answer, but.... Is there a way to adjust the default size of the configure featuredialog box? Every time I use it, the window is tiny obscuring allof the text, so every time, I have to drag the window open to seemy configuration info. It seems pretty oblivious of someone to makethe window default to way too small and not have a way to increasethe default size.SolidworksConfigurations design Tables

Hi everyone, Just a reminder that voting for the SolidWorks World 2014 Top Ten list ends on Wednesday January 15, 2014. Please be sure to submit your votes as soon as possible to have your opinion heard. Please click [HERE]

Hello, i am facing the following problem: I have an assembly consisting of 5 parts The assembly have 8 dimensional configurations I ned to put all the configuration in another Large assembly. The problem is that when I put other configuration all changes. Thank you SolidworksConfigurations/design Tables

Does SolidWorks Support Microsoft Office 365 SolidWorks Design Table - How handling Cloud Excel Data SolidworksConfigurations/design Tables

Hi, I'm trying to make a linear XY pattern of one component with 2,500 configurations. Say 10 down and 10 sideways, I need the top left pattern instance to be config#1, then second from the left #2 and so on in a zig-zag pattern. Is there a way to drive the instance number "Part1 " of the linear pattern AND the configuration together, through a design table? SolidworksConfigurations/design Tables

I am trying to do pattern a part in assembly but I want to keep the patterned parts different configuration then the original part. I can go change them to different config but when I change the quantity in the pattern, it is using the original part again. Is it possible to control configuration in pattern? SolidworksConfigurations/design Tables