Hello, I'm kinda new to using the program, but when I export my gerber file to a zip and send it to JLCPCB their gerber viewer does not recognize my board outline. Would I want to have an additional mechanical layer on top of my outline layer to solve this? JLC viewer Actual board outline Thanks SolidworksSolidworks Pcb

Hi dear PCB / Connector users, does anyone of you know anything about the current collaboration issue with PCB 2020 and SWX 2020? SPR 1165896: SW PCB 2020 does not collaborate with SW 2019 (3D models do not go through) Does anyone of you have it? Best regards, Piotr SolidworksSolidworks Pcb

Where can I get USB Type C components lib for schematics and PCB? SolidworksSolidworks Pcb

There are some empty or demo projects on our SVN server. Does anyone know how to remove there unused projects? I tried with the remove file from version control command but I can't remove the project entry when open "Open Project" window. Thanks.

Hey Guys, How many of you have installed the PDM Connector for SOLIDWORKS PCB? What are your experiences so far? How has this helped you in your processes internally? How much time have you invested in creating your own workflow?

Hi Currently I have an imported design, schematic and layout. I will like to generate a pcb library and schematic library from the imported design. Any help how to do this. SolidworksSolidworks Pcb