I received few update SR mail during by Beta SR and I was informed that these SR are converted to SPR but I haven't seen any Beta point in the mail. As Beta SR page is not active so How could I know the Beta point assign/not assign to me? SolidworksSolidworks 2015 Beta

I''d rather Configuration Switcher menu item be dockable like any button. Now it acts like whole toolbar meaning you can either hover it or dock by using up whole line in toolbars area. SolidworksSolidworks 2015 Beta

In dimXpert, when set "tools>options>document properties>dimXpert>Geometric Tolerance>Create Basic Dimensions" SolisWorks does not create the "Basic Dimensions" as it should. this is a regression. SolidworksSolidworks 2015 Beta

Unable to see the Beta-2 points. Where it is updating? SolidworksSolidworks 2015 Beta

Have you noticed that dialog? Supressing messages has come too far and people get too often confusing resuts due to dismissed dialogs. I like this solution. Now SOLIDWORKS can more boldly add dismiss option to more dialogs.

The segment tool would be really useful if a Sketch Point was placed at each node, allowing it to be used to place holes with the Hole Wizard. And while on the subject, removing the Sketch Point from the centres of the rectangle sketch tools, and adding Sketch Points at their corners would also be great for the HW. SolidworksSolidworks 2015 Beta

I added the Hole Wizard. SolidworksSolidworks 2015 Beta