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Hello! I am trying to perform structural analysis to a simple table structure which is originally a IGES file and imported to SOLIDWORKS. When I treat all the members as solid(default) I was successfully able to perform static analysis. However, when I treat the members as beam, I am not able mesh the structural itself.
4 Jahre Vor
I have a big symmetric assembly. I try to do static analysis of it, by creating a sketch above one half and using Extruded Cut to get rid of that half. Unfortunately, Solidworks also makes a mesh for parts from that deleted half. How i can fix this problem?
4 Jahre Vor
Hello All, I am running a static simulation involving multiple bodies. But when the bodies deform, one body is passing through another body as if they were not solids. How can I prevent it so that after the deformed body touches another body, it stops there instead of going through it? In other words, how can I make a Solid-body solid?
5 Jahre Vor
I have been doing some simulations with plastic parts and amwondering if there is a good resource somewhere to get nonlinearstress/strain curves for various materials. Matweb has a lot ofmaterial data, but I haven't seen any type of nonlinearinformation. I am sure many others have done simulations with nonlinearmaterials... does a person always have to get their material testedin a lab? SolidworksSimulation
15 Jahre Vor