Hello, I have a list of CATIA files to export to Solidworks SLDPRT format, I managed to export to stp and then to sldprt but this method doesn't keep custom properties. Do you have any idea how to do this export? Do you know which function in Vba to read a Catia file on Solidworks?SolidworksImport/export

Hi, As per the abaqus manual, one cannot import a 3d sketch into abaqus but allows for 2d sketched. Does anyone have any good workaround to this and can share? https://abaqus-docs.mit.edu/2017/English/SIMACAECAERefMap/simacae-c-skeimport.htm SolidworksImport/export

Hello! Is it possible to export SolidWorks model to Unity with reference geometry included? I tried SimLab FBX/glTF exporter, and we get no reference geometry. It would come very handy if we could use named ref. geometry.

i opened a creo assembly file in solidworks with 3d interconnect enabled and now i need to save it as a solidworks assembly file, but while doing it the individual part files are not saved . Can anyone throw some light on this subject of converting a creo assy. to solidworks assy. ? SolidworksImport/export

Hello! Is it possible to save models in step, image or other formats with saving records in file properties? Name, number. Thanks!

Having some trouble getting the information I need to show in the Excel chart. I am unselecting certain ones to show yet they are still showing ones i deselected. I am using TreeHouse 2017. Thanks.

Which is the best way to open Solidworks models or assemblies in Vectorworks SolidworksImport/export

Hello, I upgrated to SW2020 SP1.0, and when I open an STEP file of an assembly and save it, I have only one assembly file, without parts. In the assembly I have all the parts with references in the STEP model. How can I save the assembly with all the parts in the same folder? I check also the "Include all referenced components" but no results.

235/5000 Hello, Today we have upgraded the solidworks from 2019 sp 5.0 to 2020 sp 0.1. But unfortunately I noticed that I can no longer import dxf / dwg. The imported files are incomplete. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Morning all, I have an issue with a couple of my parts when exporting to a STEP file, I have some M5 self tapping screws that export with a sharp tip (at the wrong end) which comes out looking pretty cool but not very representative of the real thing, Is there some settings I need to adjust in the exporting that I have missed? SolidworksImport/export

This happened when I open a step file from a vendor The message kept pop-up each time clicking on "OK" and I can't even shutdown the SW See att. video clip SolidworksImport/export

Hi everyone, Just a reminder that voting for the SolidWorks World 2014 Top Ten list ends on Wednesday January 15, 2014. Please be sure to submit your votes as soon as possible to have your opinion heard. Please click [HERE]