I am a Masters' student cuurently working on my thesis on developing a design assistant for solidworks. The objective is to design a virtual assistant for the CAD softwares like SOLIDWORKS to prompt the next design steps based on the previous data history of designing steps for a particular product. Can someone please give me links or guide or assist me regarding this project? SolidworksApi/macros

How to create a Macro that when running appears a window with information of the surface area? Example SolidworksApi/macros

Hello all. I'm loooking for a VBA macro to copy custom props to all configuration, but with no luck... There is someone that has it? Or some advice to write it?

Macro to create basic three views (front, side and top) and iso view in drawing sheet with appropriate scale? Is there any such macro is available? SolidworksApi/macros

Does anyone know why this command doesn't work? Sub UserForm_KeyDown(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) Select Case KeyAscii Case 13 'enter key addBtn_Click 'ase 39 'right arrow skipBtn_Click Case 27 'escape key Unload Me Case Else End Select End Sub thank SolidworksApi/macros

Good morning all, I use multi-bodies a bunch. It is quite tedious to chase down a cut list folder->RMB->Properties. I can write the code bit that will find a cut list folder, but the command to open the dialog box is quite elusive. Is it even possible?

Hi Guys: Do you attemped to get the location of assembly using api "(double[])swMateEnt[i].EntityParams". I tried this api and get the location of an assembly via the first three numbers.

Hi to everyone and a happy new year.I am trying to pass a value in a "Textbox" from "OnSubmitSelection" event from PMPHadler but i have nothing .This is the code Dim ex As New FEditDox ex.TBEditBoxDepth.Text = "200" Return True The "FEditBox " is a form Can anyone tell me why i can't pass the value into the " TBEditBoxDepth.Text" control? Regards Kostas SolidworksApi/macros

hi,I want to get the faces of all the features of the part and select the faces that have been marked with colors, how to do ? SolidworksApi/macros

What is the api of this location, thank SolidworksApi/macros

Hi, I wrote a macro that converts the .step file to the sheetmetal using the InsertConvertToSheetMetal2 command however the command does not collect the bends and not allow me to assign a bend deduction value automatically set its default just as K-factor. Is there anything that you can help ? Thanks in advance. SolidworksApi/macros

How can I get the customer property file name which linked to SW part file when file opened appeared on right task panel automatic SolidworksApi/macros

The problem is when i read component‘s customInfo,i need to use GetModeDoc2(). if the function return null,i need to open the file.But if the file have too many component,the memory will broken down .So Is there have anyway to release memory?I try to use modelDoc2.close() and Swapp.closeDoc("**").they have do nothing.I see the documentManager but i haven't the lisence. SolidworksApi/macros

Is it possible to create a macro with these filters? image attached. I need help. SolidworksApi/macros

I test a PropertyManagerPage macro. I want to use PropertyManagerPage as inputing interface. User can adjust parameter ,click OK and transfer parameter value to Sub main to operate. But I can not get a way to do this.

Is it possible to obtain the value of a custom property within the assembly, without having to open it? I have a macro that gets the property value, but have to open each component to get it. If there was a way to get it without having to open the component it was much faster and makes it a lot easier. I embrace any help.

If you are a Solidworks expert or a hardware company, check out HardwareStack.IO. SolidworksApi/macros

perhaps this macro is very old and it is not working anymore!! Someone know how to fix it for parts? SolidworksApi/macros

Hi I would like to know if there is a macro that copies all items from the custom properties to the clipboard. thank you SolidworksApi/macros

Hi, is it possible to make a VBA program that would generate a list of all dependant drawings (dependant on root assembly and specific configuration)? Did anyone do this kind of project? SolidworksApi/macros