Simplify your assembly designs with Mate References! Define mates directly in your parts for a drag-and-drop workflow. Select entities, set up references, and instantly snap parts into place. Even duplicates carry the same efficiency!

4 時間 前
Learn how to streamline your assembly design process with Mate References in SOLIDWORKS! In this video, the SOLIDWORKS training team will show you how to effortlessly add common components to your assembly using Mate References for fast placement. Discover how to create Mate References, and effortlessly snap components into place with automatic mate placement. Save time and optimize your workflow with this powerful feature!

2 時間 前
Dies ist die Übersetzung des englischsprachigen Blogbeitrags von Sean O’Neill, Strategy & Community Manager bei Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS Falls Sie oder Ihre Kollegen nicht persönlich nach Houston reisen können, aber dennoch einen Einblick in die Highlights der Veranstaltung erhalten möchten, ist unser Livestream-Programm „LIVE at World“ die beste Möglichkeit, das Geschehen hautnah mitzuerleben. Die Übertragung läuft an allen drei Tagen der 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 und bietet spannende

2 時間 前
Unlocking the Potential of Shop Floor Programming with SOLIDWORKS The world of manufacturing is rapidly evolving, and staying ahead means adopting tools that streamline processes, enhance precision, and drive innovation. With Shop Floor Programmer, integrated seamlessly with 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS desktop through Cloud Services, manufacturers and designers alike now have access to a robust platform to optimize machining operations and fabrication workflows. That’s right. You

21 時間 前
Erfahren Sie, wie 3DEXPERIENCE Works durch cloudbasiertes Datenmanagement die Grundlage für effektive Prozesse schafft, insbesondere im Bereich unternehmensweites Datenmanagement, Änderungsmanagement und artikelbasiertes Stücklistenmanagement. Unternehmensweites Datenmanagement: Bewältigen Sie mühelos die Komplexität des gesamten Produktspektrums und ermöglichen Sie eine effiziente Zusammenarbeit. Vereinfachen Sie die Suche nach produktbezogenen Daten und steigern Sie die Effizienz bei der

1 日 前
This webinar covers a real-world experience of streamlining the design and manufacturing of custom equipment in large-scale plant layouts. The discussion covers the change of “this is how we have always done it” through modifying designs and processes based on the strengths of a manufacturing process to shorten quoting and lead times and improve quality while still providing a “custom” solution for each customer. Subscribe to our channel: Visit our website: http:

3 日間 前
The top enhancements in the February 2025 update include improved sharing, offset and shell failure feedback, sketch improvements, detail views, and more! Visit the SOLIDWORKS blog to learn more about this update on SOLIDWORKS xDesign at For an overview of the offer, see the SOLIDWORKS xDesign page at Subscribe to our channel: Visit our website: Buy SOLIDWORKS Online: https

3 日間 前
Note: This blog was authored by Hannah Gilmore, a GDP Business Developer Associate and member of the Graduate Development Program at DS SOLIDWORKS. Back in October, Adrian Diaz swooped around the spooky streets of Salem, MA, with his transforming pterodactyl costume. Let’s go behind the scenes and learn about the dedicated team that made his costume a reality. First, we’ll soar over to Albert Hernandez, the mastermind that envisioned and modeled the overall look of the costume, sharing numerous

3 日間 前
Dies ist die Übersetzung des englischsprachigen Blogbeitrags “Why You Shouldn’t Miss DraftSight LIVE at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025“ Für Fachleute, die sich in der dynamischen Welt der Konstruktion zurechtfinden, ist, DraftSight LIVE auf der 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 eine nicht zu verpassende Gelegenheit, Ihre 2D-CAD-Fähigkeiten zu erweitern, Ihr Netzwerk auszubauen und sich von einigen der renommiertesten Innovatoren auf diesem Gebiet inspirieren zu lassen. Dieses speziell für 2D-CAD-Profis

4 日間 前
If you or your colleagues cannot make it to Houston and wish to take in some of what the event has to offer with us, our ‘LIVE at World’ livestream lineup – running all three days of 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 – is the best place to get a taste of the action. Simply put, viewers of the live stream will be able to watch the big announcements and keynote sessions, take virtual tours of our on-site attractions (including the Playground), hear VIP insights through interviews with special guests, and

4 日間 前
By leveraging the precision, efficiency, and collaborative capabilities of digital technology, 2D CAD empowers designers to bring their creative visions to life with greater speed, accuracy, and ease than ever before. The oil and gas industry is experiencing significant transformation as it adjusts to a changing world. Companies are integrating digital tools and adopting renewable energy sources while improving efficiency and complying with evolving regulations.

5 日間 前
2D CAD represents a significant leap forward from the traditional drafting techniques that have been practiced for centuries. While the core principles of creating technical drawings remain the same – translating ideas into visual representations – 2D CAD introduces a digital dimension that revolutionizes the process. Historically, drafting relied heavily on manual tools like pencils, rulers, and compasses. Designers meticulously drew lines and shapes on paper, often guided by instruments like T

5 日間 前
Dies ist die Übersetzung des englischsprachigen Blogbeitrags “The Agenda for 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 is Live“ Die Wartezeit hat ein Ende – die Agenda der 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 ist nun veröffentlicht und bietet eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten zur Inspiration und Weiterentwicklung für Konstrukteure, Ingenieure, Hersteller sowie Studierende aller Erfahrungsstufen. Die Veranstaltung findet vom 23. bis 26. Februar 2025 in Houston, Texas, statt. Unabhängig davon, ob Sie Ihre Fachkenntnisse in

6 日間 前

6 日間 前
SOLIDWORKS 研究開発 (R&D) チームは常にお客様からのフィードバックを求めています。大変有難いことに、弊社には熱心なユーザー様が大勢いらっしゃいます。弊社ソフトウェアに関する良い点も悪い点も、多くの皆様からご意見をいただければ幸いです。 パフォーマンスが最優先事項であるという声をよく耳にします。

6 日間 前
Since as long as I can remember, NAFEMS has set the standard to promote the safe and reliable use of finite element and related technology. For quality control, NAFEMS Benchmarks are used in simulation and analysis code by SOLIDWORKS, SIMULIA Simulation Technology, ABAQUS, and many other software providers. NAFEMS is the International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community.That is why I am excited to share with you that NAFEMS hosts a Student Award to

6 日間 前
Streamline your designs with the Vent command! Perfect for creating intricate vent patterns to cool electronics enclosures. Start with a simple sketch, define boundaries, add ribs, spars, fillets, and dimensions—all in one tool. Watch the full video to elevate your enclosure designs!

6 日間 前

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