Hello, and Happy New Year! I’m Chris Pagliarini and my team and I are gearing up for 3DEXPERIENCE World, our annual user event, taking place in Houston, Texas, February 23-26. You may recognize me as I had the opportunity to present on the main stage last year on the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Design (xApps). If you’re attending and curious about the xApps or already using them, here is a list of sessions my team and I will be presenting that you don’t want to miss.

29 dias atrás
La version 2025 de SOLIDWORKS est disponible depuis Novembre, alors laissez-nous vous présenter brièvement les nouveautés des solutions SOLIDWORKS Electrical. De l’importation de contenu électrique aux fonctionnalités de mise en plan améliorées, en passant par la nouvelle documentation sur les bornes et les borniers, la génération de routages de harnais électriques 3D, la collaboration ECAD-MCAD améliorée et la possibilité d’enregistrer la structure des produits électriques, cette version

29 dias atrás
3D SheetMetal Creator を使用すると、いつでもデバイスを問わず、製造可能な、正確で詳細な板金設計ができます。板金設計専用のこの完全ブラウザベースのソリューションを使用すると、複雑な 3D 板金ジオメトリを作成できるだけでなく、2次元のフラット パターンジオメトリを自動的に生成できます。ここでは、加工業者にも明確に設計意図を伝えられる 5 つの新機能についてご紹介します。 1.ジョグコマンド ジョグツールを使用すると、1 つのスケッチから板金パーツに 2 つの曲げを作成できます。

29 dias atrás
SOLIDWORKS Champion Martin Ohnemus demonstrates how to use Advanced Select to find interior component parts. This tip will save you time when you're trying to find interior detail parts, or trying to suppress, hide, or show parts. Get more SOLIDWORKS tips and training at https://solidworks.com/tipwizard Connect with Martin! https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-ohnemus-cepa-46862512b Subscribe to our channel: https://www.solidworks.com/swsub Visit our website: http://www.solidworks.com/ Request a

30 dias atrás
SOLIDWORKS is proud to sponsor FIRST teams with SOLIDWORKS software. You can use SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD software on your Windows – based PC or SOLIDWORKS Cloud Apps 100% in your web browser on your MAC, PC, Tablet, Chromebook or Mobile device. Apply for Student Team Sponsorship at SOLIDWORKS.com/FIRST. The FRC Kit of Part 2025 is developed especially for this years FRC Competition called Reefscape.

30 dias atrás
Attending 3DEXPERIENCE World offers an unparalleled opportunity to deepen your expertise through hands-on workshops and dynamic sessions tailored to industry professionals. With the DraftSight LIVE pass for 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025, you gain access to 14 in-depth DraftSight 2D CAD sessions, exclusive certification opportunities, and so much more. One standout session, “DraftSight: Explore 2025 Features, BIM Integration, and xDraftSight,” will take place on Tuesday, Feb 25, from 11:00 AM to 12:00

30 dias atrás
SOLIDWORKS offers subdivision tools for sculpting, parametric tools for mechanical details, and additive manufacturing planning directly within your design window. Subscribe to our channel: https://www.solidworks.com/swsub Visit our website: http://www.solidworks.com/ Buy SOLIDWORKS Online: https://www.solidworks.com/buy Request a Quote: https://www.solidworks.com/ytquote Request a Demo: https://www.solidworks.com/ytdemo Follow us! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/solidworks/ Facebook: https

1 mês atrás
SOLIDWORKS offers subdivision tools for sculpting, parametric tools for mechanical details, and additive manufacturing planning directly within your design window. Subscribe to our channel: https://www.solidworks.com/swsub Visit our website: http://www.solidworks.com/ Buy SOLIDWORKS Online: https://www.solidworks.com/buy Request a Quote: https://www.solidworks.com/ytquote Request a Demo: https://www.solidworks.com/ytdemo Follow us! Instagram: / solidworks Facebook: / solidworks X (formerly

1 mês atrás
Are you interested in 3DEXPERIENCE® World 2025 but not quite sure if you should register yet or at all? Check out our latest three-part SOLIDWORKS Live series, 3DEXPERIENCE World Sneak Peek Week.

1 mês atrás
Dies ist die Übersetzung des englischsprachigen Blogbeitrags von Avelino Rochino, Technical Certification Learning Experience Expert Der Countdown zur 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 läuft! Schon Anfang nächsten Jahres geht es nach Houston, Texas und wir freuen uns darauf, ein weiteres großartiges Event zu erleben, alte Freunde wiederzusehen und neue Bekanntschaften zu schließen. Ein Highlight für unsere Teilnehmer ist jedes Jahr die Möglichkeit, sich kostenlos zertifizieren zu lassen. Auch 2025 bieten

1 mês atrás
SOLIDWORKS初心者の方向けに、使い方の基本テクニックを株式会社ミスミ “meviy” チームとのコラボでご提供する ブログ動画コンテンツです。SOLIDWORKSのベテラン技術者“通称:サトケンさん”が、meviyチームからの素朴な疑問に動画でわかりやすく解説していきます。 新年第一弾、第8回は「SOLIDWORKS凄すぎる!データ検索機能 ロック&ステータス」。 間違った設計データを変更してしまうのも作業のムダですが、さわってほしくないデータを上書きされてしまうのも、同じく困った問題です。

1 mês atrás
Dies ist die Übersetzung des englischsprachigen Blogbeitrags von Craig Therrien, 3DEXPERIENCE WORKS Senior Portfolio Manager Es ist soweit: Sind Sie bereit für SOLIDWORKS 2025? Mit 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS und SOLIDWORKS mit Cloud Services können Sie schon jetzt Verbesserungen nutzen, die wir im Rahmen unserer Funktionsbereitstellungen im Laufe des Jahres eingeführt haben. Hier ist ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf das, was Sie erwartet. Sofern nicht anders angegeben, gelten alle Verbesserungen für

1 mês atrás
Happy New Year! As my first post of 2025, I am excited to announce Dassault Systèmes, SOLIDWORKS, and 3DEXPERIENCE EDU sponsorship, to all FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) teams, with FREE software and student community support. The kickoff, REEFSCAPE presented by Haas, is this Saturday January 4, 2025 12PM ET. Check out our video on how FIRST Teams Use SOLIDWORKS during our Championship interviews this year!

1 mês atrás
It is hard to believe that 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 is right around the corner, and we are super excited to see you all in Houston, February 23-26. If you haven’t registered, you can do so here or by clicking on the banner at the end of this blog. The Shop Floor area has always been one of the most dynamic areas of the Playground at 3DEXPERIENCE World, and this year is no different. For those who have not attended “World,” the Playground is the Innovation Hub of the entire event.

1 mês atrás
A well-designed electronics enclosure should safeguard its housed components, but aesthetic considerations can also be important. Vents protect electronics from overheating by facilitating airflow and can add visual appeal if detailed artfully. Discover how to create intricate vent patterns from a simple sketch with SOLIDWORKS’ Vent command. For more sheet metal video tutorials, visit https://www.solidworks.com/learn/sheetmetal We hope this tutorial helps you on your design journey!

1 mês atrás
#solidworks #3dexperience #abaqus #materialfailure SOLIDWORKS users can now simulate ductile failure in their components. Using the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, users can model parts with damage properties to study material degradation and failure under various loading conditions. In this case the industry leading Abaqus/Explicit solver helps to simulate the snapping of the chain in a short duration, high torque event on parts of the drivetrain assembly. To learn more, please visit our websites: https

1 mês atrás
We deliver many enhancements every year, so it was challenging to determine my top five. After contemplating, here are a handful of my favorite collaboration and data management features in SOLIDWORKS that were delivered in 2024 via frequent functional deliveries and the annual update for 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS with Cloud Services. Multi-Level Approval For Drawing Stamping This feature enables you to set multi-level approvals during the drawing release process and will help

1 mês atrás

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