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Moving into part 2 of this tutorial, it’s time to animate the star! Before you do this, if you’re using the SOLIDWORKS Connected version, the SOLIDWORKS Visualize add-in is not available just yet, so to retain the motion study information, check the icon seen below, this will open my assembly in Visualize and the motion study will come in as animation keyframes. Before I continue, you will see me switch between the two render view modes throughout, using preview mode to watch my star moving
2 hours ago
If you attended this year’s 3DEXPERIENCE World then you likely heard SOLIDWORKS CEO Manish Kumar talk about SOLIDWORKS on the platform, which consists of browser-based roles we call SOLIDWORKS Cloud that are purpose-built for parametric modeling, subdivision modeling and more. I had the honor to elaborate on that during the R&D design domain session, where I discussed the amazing functionality and flexibility being delivered with SOLIDWORKS Cloud. 2D authoring for drawing and model-based
5 hours ago
Fördern Sie Ihre Kinder spielerisch und zeigen Sie, wie spannend eine eigene Konstruktion sein kann Kinder sind die größten Entdecker und – das darf man neidlos anerkennen – grenzenlos kreative Bastler. Es gibt kaum ein Material, das nicht verbaut werden kann und keine Konstruktion, die zu gewagt ist. Für Konstrukteure und Ingenieure, die bereits erfolgreich im Berufsleben stehen oder privat als Maker und Heimwerker designen, gehen Technologie und Fantasie heute Hand in Hand. Jetzt können Sie
10 hours ago
設計における「共同作業」は、十分に吟味された高品質の製品を早く、効率的に市場に投入するための大きな鍵になっています。特に電子メールや顔を合わせた会議などは、既に、コストのかからない標準以下の情報共有手段となりつつあり、また、決してコストがかからないということでもありません。もっと良い方法を探す時がきたのではないでしょうか。 例えばクラウドサービスです。
18 hours ago
An Introduction to DraftSight’s AutoDimension What is Auto Dimensioning in 2D CAD?In the world of computer-aided design (CAD), precision is everything. Whether you’re laying out a complex machine part or detailing the intricacies of a new product, the accuracy of your dimensions can make or break the project. However, dimensioning has always been a tedious and time-consuming manual process that is prone to errors, which can have an adverse effect on the project.
1 day ago
Effectively collaborating with your key design stakeholders as well as suppliers and customers throughout the entire product development process is crucial to creating truly innovative new products your customers will love. Yet traditional means of collaboration, such as scheduling meetings, relying on emails, and working with remote teams, fall short and worse, can lead to miscommunications, delays, and frustration among team members. What our users are saying
2 days ago
Worum geht es? Lernen Sie, wie ein expliziter Gleichungslöser arbeitet und warum er sich sehr gut eignet, um stark nichtlineare Struktursimulationen effizient durchzuführen. Wann? Am 3.
2 days ago
今日の設計チームの設計理念は「効率」です。 品質やパフォーマンスを犠牲にすることなく、最小限のリソースを最大限に活用すること。 これを実現するために、多くの人が自然界のカタチをマネするようになり、それが何千年にも渡って進化した結果、多くの効率的なソリューションが生み出されてきました。 強度と重量の比率の問題に対する自然界の解決策の 1 つとして、ラティス(格子)構造を使用すること、があげられます。
2 days ago
I am excited to introduce this week’s guest writer, my colleague, Shubham Arora, education advocate, technical consultant for Dassault Systèmes, and this year’s coordinator of AAKRUTI Global 2024, A sustainable product design contest for student innovators in 12 countries. AAKRUTI new edition soaring new heights Since 2011, Dassault Systèmes has proudly hosted the AAKRUTI National Level Product Design Contest, empowering engineering students across India. AAKRUTI served as a beacon, urging
2 days ago
Comment gérer efficacement vos données de développement de produits, assurer une collaboration inclusive entre tous les services impliqués et réagir rapidement aux évolutions du marché ? La réponse réside dans les outils PLM basés sur le cloud disponibles dans le portefeuille 3DEXPERIENCE Works. Les systèmes traditionnels de gestion du cycle de vie des produits (PLM) client/serveur sont toujours omniprésents dans l’ensemble du secteur. Les grandes entreprises s’appuient sur le PLM pour gérer de
3 days ago
1月から2月にかけて、平年よりかなり高めの気温で推移した関東地方では、桜の開花日が相当早まるだろうと予想されていた。が、蓋を開けてみれば、平年より5日も遅い開花となった。近年、葉桜で迎えることの多かった入学式は、満開の桜の下、ピカピカの新入生を迎えたことだろう。厚生労働省と文部科学省が、共同で調査し、2月に発表した令和6年3月大学等卒業予定者の就職内定率は、 91.6%(厚生労働省:。
3 days ago
After teaching 1000’s of students and writing about SOLIDWORKS for over 25 years, David Planchard, emeritus WPI, is exploring SOLIDWORKS desktop and the integrated 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. Through the 3DEXPERIENCE Works Lesson series, David helps educators understand the 3DEXPERIENCE Engineer, Fluid Scenario Creation App (CFD) with simple examples and industry practices. The Platform offers are available thru your Education Partner (VAR). In this lesson, analyze a simplified electronic enclosure.
3 days ago
We’re excited to announce that 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS for Makers, CAD for personal use, is now available in India, which is a significant win for the emerging DIY community. Innovation has played a significant role in India’s growth, and with the advent of tools like 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS for Makers, the potential to make and innovate becomes more accessible than ever. Every maker has a place in this journey, whether it’s transforming traditional crafts with modern technology, developing
4 days ago
Today’s story in technical education is given to us by our SOLIDWORKS reseller partner, PLM Group, Gerli Parve, Marketing Specialist and Martin Johansson, Early Engagement Team Leader. The small Estonian town of Kadrina recently hosted the 14th iteration of CADrina, its flagship IT and technology festival of the local high school. Designed to promote engineering and technical education, CADrina has evolved from a local drafting competition to an expansive festival featuring robotics, science
7 days ago
Last year we introduced the Configuration Manger in our cloud-connected roles, 3DEXPRERIENCE SOLIDWORKS and Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS in the R2024x update. You all were super excited to hear about it when it was brought up in the Design Domain general session at this year’s 3DEXPRERIENCE World and for good reason. In this blog I’ll tell you more about it so you can start using it today! (If you’re not already).
7 days ago
DraftSight Mechanical is a significant addition to the DraftSight portfolio, tailored to professionals who work with mechanical entities and objects in DWG format. This innovative solution boasts a familiar user interface, ensuring an easy transition for users, and it supports Continued
7 days ago
DraftSight Mechanical is a significant addition to the DraftSight portfolio, tailored to professionals who work with mechanical entities and objects in DWG format. This innovative solution boasts a familiar user interface, ensuring an easy transition for users, and it supports various drafting standards, which are crucial for mechanical design workflows. Register for the Webinar | April 25th |
7 days ago
Hello to all, Welcome to the new edition of the SOLIDWORKS® Support Monthly News! This monthly news blog is co-authored by members of the SOLIDWORKS® Technical Support teams worldwide. Here is the list of topics covered in this month’s Blog : Adding watermark on the Drawing Sheet: Approach -1 Sheet Metal: Controlling the ‘Bend Radius’ of an imported solid body already in folded state 1. Adding watermark on the Drawing Sheet: Approach -1-by Tushar NAYAK We all have seen many companies across the
8 days ago
Un robot peut être programmé avec l’IA, mais il apprend initialement à partir de schémas humains ou imite l’intelligence humaine. C’est ce qu’on appelle l’apprentissage automatique, ou machine learning, concept évoqué dans l’un de nos précédents articles. Nous en avions conclu que l’IA ne pouvait pas remplacer la créativité humaine. Cependant, l’IA offre un grand potentiel d’automatisation des flux de travail de conception et elle est étroitement intégrée à nos rôles SOLIDWORKS® basés sur
8 days ago
The true measure of a software’s impact lies in the stories of those who use it daily, so let’s explore DraftSight’s G2 reviews. In this blog, we’re stepping back to let the voices of our users take the spotlight, sharing their firsthand experiences, as reflected in DraftSight user reviews on G2. Revolutionizing CAD Productivity A mid-market user underlines the software’s user-friendly nature, sharing that DraftSight is the “best CAD tool for 2D design, [with a]
8 days ago
This week’s blog is written by my colleague, Valerie Lecolle, after her visit to KXKM near Lyon, France. KompleX KapharnaüM (KXKM) is a 20-years old multidisciplinary arts organization based in Vaulx-En-Velin France, known for its innovative and boundary-pushing performances that blend various art forms such as theater, music, visual arts, and technology. KXKM aims to create immersive experiences that challenge perceptions and ignite the imagination. With a focus on experimentation and
9 days ago
In March we aired our What’s New in 3DEXPERIENCE Works 2024 episode of SOLIDWORKS Live, an episode that included so many new enhancements and product features included in the latest release. We showed off the enhancements that make the 3DEXPERIENCE platform the best tool for cross-collaborative product development, including the ideal ways to work together amongst your teams to create the best products in the world. Our host, Sean O’Neill, outlined the format of the episode, which began with a
9 days ago
Wann? Vom 22. bis 26. April 2024 Wo? Hannover Messe, Halle 5, Stand B28 JETZT TICKET SICHERN In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Robotik Verband (DRV) präsentiert die #HM24 den Application Park X, einen Gemeinschaftsstand aus Start-ups und Unternehmen mit einem Fokus auf Robotik – und auch wir von Dassault Systèmes sind dieses Jahr mit dabei!
9 days ago
As a Mom of two boys, I have watched my fair share of baby sensory videos on YouTube, and they are super cute. So, I began to wonder how easy it would be to model and animate my very own mini sensory animation video. For part 1 of the tutorial, you will see how I used xShape to model a star, bring it into SOLIDWORKS Connected from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, and add moving eyes using a motion study. Stay tuned for part two of this tutorial, where I will be bringing in the star with motion study
10 days ago