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As more and more software is deployed on the cloud, many might question how secure these cloud-based applications really are compared with traditional on-premise software. To some, “the cloud” sounds like data is magically jettisoned to some nebulous place in the atmosphere—and all that data is now floating out there (securely, somehow) in the sky. In actuality, the biggest difference in cloud computing is the physical location of servers. You still control access to all your data.
3 años hace
The Evolution of Online Shopping It wasn’t long ago that the idea of purchasing products online was a scary, if not completely foreign concept to most of us. If you planned on making any type of specialty purchase, it started with checking the yellow pages or asking a friendly neighbor for a recommendation for a local shop, and then heading out for a scavenger hunt to attempt to become a more knowledgeable consumer. What used to be near impossible for the consumer to acquire GOOD information and
5 años hace