
The new SOLIDWORKS Education Edition, Academic Year 2016-2017 gives educators and students an innovation platform of software tools to make great designs happen. Based on SOLIDWORKS Premium 2016, we continue to prepare the best students for the best jobs for our commercial customers whose businesses revolve around our manufacturing ecosystem.


New this year is an expanded portfolio to schools including SOLIDWORKS Visualize.  SOLIDWORKS Visualize picks up where PhotoView 360 leaves off, by introducing an environment that is more similar to photography versus technical rendering with a focus on 3D data. Because results are indistinguishable from photos, they can be used directly for marketing or other areas in which physical prototypes don’t exist or carry too much cost.  Students will be able to show off their projects with these professional visualization tools.


Our customer, Parrot, develops electro-mechanical assemblies with not only mechanical assemblies made up of machined, plastic, and sheet metal parts but also sensors, radios, and embedded electronics,   SOLIDWORKS Education Edition includes SOLIDWORKS Electrical Professional, SOLIDWORKS Simulation, SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation, SOLIDWORKS Plastics, and SOLIDWORKS Sustainability.  Students can use these products to gain a complete understanding of product design.

We partner with schools that invest in SOLIDWORKS.  Through support from our Value-Added Resellers (VARs), schools receive free eBooks, free student certification exams, access to MySolidWorks Standard, and access to the SOLIDWORKS Community.   We have two goals, one, to provide the most qualified students to our commercial customers and two, to advocate science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) competency for all students.

The New eBOOK

This year, we introduce the Fundamentals of 3D Design and Simulation ebook available as part of our partnership with schools on subscription.  The ebook is available to educators and their students through our Value Added Reseller network.

Certification Program

The SOLIDWORKS Certification program has created over 180,000 certified SOLIDWORKS users.  Schools on subscription can apply to become SOLIDWORKS Academic Certified Providers.  Educators provide the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam.  Students that pass CSWA can also take our Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional exam in a proctored school setting.

Free Student Licensing

SOLIDWORKS provides schools on subscription, free one-year SOLIDWORKS Student Licensing to their students.  Students can work anywhere and not be connected to the school’s VPN.  Giving students access to SOLIDWORKS, provides them the ability to have more time learning the tools they need to complete an assignment or get a job.


With Student Licensing, serial numbers, on subscription, students have access to MySolidWorks Standard.  Students can join SOLIDWORKS forums, find companies through the Manufacturing Partners Network for their projects, and take part in hundreds of learning tutorials.


Educators and Students have access to hundreds of independent user groups through the  SOLIDWORKS User Group Network (  Many SWUGN events take place at schools too.

The SOLIDWORKS Education Edition 2016-2017 offers an amazing suite of engineering software to help train the Engineers and Designers of tomorrow. With over three million students who use SOLIDWORKS everyday, thank you for being part of the SOLIDWORKS community.



Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach for the 3DEXPERIENCE Works products across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.

Kategorien: Certification, Customer Stories, Design, Education, MySolidWorks, SOLIDWORKS, SOLIDWORKS 2016, SOLIDWORKS Electrical, SOLIDWORKS Simulation

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