Most inspection reports are created manually. Inspection forms require many man-hours to complete and check for documentation errors. Given the tedious manual process and the nuances of inspection requirements, mistakes are commonly made. At the end of the day, we’re talking about paperwork – not something that you can’t wait to get your hands on.

So what do humans tend to do when we don’t want to do something that needs to get done? Invent something to do it for us. In this case that something is SOLIDWORKS Inspection; an automated First Article Inspection (FAI) and in-process inspection software that streamlines and automates the creation of ballooned inspection drawings and inspection reports. Why do it yourself when you can have software do it for you?

In this video, you’ll hear product manager Mathieu Fourcade talk about how a high-precision manufacturer is streamlining its quality assurance process with SOLIDWORKS Inspection.

Cliff Medling

Cliff Medling is a Senior Marketing Manager at SolidWorks and the host for the Born to Design Podcast.


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