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Форум пользователей SOLIDWORKS

Здесь пользователи SOLIDWORKS изучают, используют и обсуждают 3DEXPERIENCE Works — в настольной версии SOLIDWORKS, с подключением к облаку и только в облаке.

Выполните вход с помощью 3DEXPERIENCE ID.

If you are into 3Dprinting you are probably doing a lot of ReverseEngineering using your phone's camera as a 3DScanner . You probably know that pictures can be inserted in SOLIDWORKS and used for tracing sketches and develop models. You might even be aware that the Professional and Premium versions can do AutoTracing , probably tried the tool and were very unhappy with the results. Turns out there is a simple trick that makes AutoTracing work better.
6 мес. назад